Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Free Members' Pages


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We've decided to give the members of this forum another membership perk. We're now offering each forum member a free member's page. You can use this page to tell us about yourself, about your current projects, about your family or about whatever strikes your fancy. All we ask is that any content added to members' pages be within the rules and guidelines of this forum.

If you want a member's page, just PM Mike or myself and we will get the page set-up for you to go in and edit as you like.

And don't be frightened away by that word 'edit', because the process is as simple as submitting a post to the forum. It is the very same lay-out and process.

HERE is an example page.

Once you have a member's page set-up, you can then add the URL to your page into your forum signature, so everyone will be able to visit your page.

If you have any questions about setting up your own page, PM me.


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