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front axle, where to buy?


New Member
I was going to use a s10 front suspension but it is going to look too damm big and bulky. Where is the best place to buy a tube front axle? thanks, george
Sorry I forgot to include info.There is a link on home page. He is one of our great sponsers.
George, I'm glad to see that you have chosen to not use the S-10 front suspension. I did not want to say anything earlier because it is your car and you can build it the way you like but it would have made a very awkward looking car.

You will be very pleased if you decide to go with parts from Ron. He makes excellent parts and his advice is immeasurable. Everyone that has bought parts from Ron only has good things to say about them and Ron.

George I started with an s10 striped it down to a roller and was going to build a roadster on, started looking at other hotrods and decided this didn't look like what I wanted, so decided on a tbucket and I am getting my parts from Ron (RPM) I have checked a lot of places but Rons is the best in price and quality.
Well I have not ruled it out. Besides I cut off the front end of the s10 and was just going to use that suspension. I know its big and bulky, but its free and will work right out of the box. It seems to me the tube axle needs alot of setup even if you buy everything. I hate spending money! I love to build with free stuff or stuff I already own.
Francis Blake said:
George go to page 14 right column six down a pic of an original with some kind of indep front end maybe homemade.

I don't think it's homemade, it looks a lot like mine. Back in the late 60's I got the frame from a guy that was going to build a bucket but never got the project off the ground. He bought the frame from a guy that got it from a small shop and that's all I ever found out about it. I've had it for 41 years and would love to know more about it. If anyone has any information on it I would sure appreciate hearing from you.

and this is a picture of the front of my bucket


Looks like a couple of home builds using the old Car Craft plans. Just a straight axle with Corvair Coils enclosing tube shocks.


GAB said:
Looks like a couple of home builds using the old Car Craft plans. Just a straight axle with Corvair Coils enclosing tube shocks.


Thank you Francis Blake for the information, in all my years I've never seen another car with the same front suspension as mine. Do you have any idea when that picture is from or when car craft published the plans? In 1968 I was 25 years old when I bought my frame and 41 years later I'm still working on it LOL.
This series ran from about April or May of '67 for 6 or 7 months. The car was built by the LA Roadsters on Dick Scritfield's nickol. Quoting from memmory here. The sbc ran one of the first side by side 2x4 intakes from I believe Edlebrock. It also used a 4-speed and a '57 Chev rear end. The body was from Cal Automotive Inc. The steering was a 'vair box mounted through the floorto the underside of the frame. This is the one thing Dick said later that he would do differently. He also commented that the car was very a handfull with the 4-speed and would recomend an automatic trans.

wow ... always thought that front mounted blower would be awesome on the street. I was right!!! MORE PICS PLEZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!!!


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