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Front End Shimmy


New Member
Hello Guys Its, been awhile.

Anyway, my T Bucket is staring to develop a front Shimmy, is there anything I should watch for. Its the standard straight axle, Friction shock setup that every T Bucket kit seems to have. I know there is somebody on here that knows all about this. What should I look for. I checked for loose nuts/bolts, my drivers side steering knuckle was a little loose, my steering box is quite worn, but the shimmy is new and increases with higher speeds. Info would be greatly appreciated.
Since you were absent for a while you probably missed several discussions on this very subject. Do a search under "death wobble" and you will find pages of posts on others that have had this problem (including me) and some suggestions for curing it.

I'm not trying to push you off and tell you to do a search, it is just that those threads I mentioned are very detailed and should be able to give you lots of areas to check out. If none of that seems to help, come on back and we'll try to do more for you. Two things that I pick up on are you having friction shocks (they need to be torqued very tight to provide somewhat the control regular hydraulic shocks do) and also your worn steering box. The box needs to be able to control pulsations from the draglink, and a worn one can't do that effectively.

first things I would check is tire pressure (I run 28-30) and toe-out (- 1/8"). Friction shocks ain't much better than no shocks. I got no shocks on front. The few times I have had a shake or wobble was low tire pressure and toe-out was too much.

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