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FYI, FENDER Fabrication

Baby Huey

New Member
For those of you who are required to use fenders, the October 2008 issue of Rod & Custom has a pretty good article on fabricating fenders. This may come in handy to some of you... "BH":neutral:
That is a good read,yet I just always cut some spair tire cover rings to size and mounted them with 5/8in od tube to the backing plates.
Cover rings come it a lot of sizes and some are stainless steel too[nice chrome look. Vibs is very big at the mount tubes,so they do need checking often for cracks in the tubing as these things take a beating having to bounce with the tire and not the body.
I had to have fender back in the 1950/60's but now they don't make ya here in south fla.
Baby Huey said:
For those of you who are required to use fenders, the October 2008 issue of Rod & Custom has a pretty good article on fabricating fenders. This may come in handy to some of you... "BH":neutral:
I dunno why a set of trailer fenders would'nt be just as good as all that widening of a set of Motor Cycle fenders? Sems like a lot of work to me and when they got done, what they had looked like a trailer fender with a splash guard welded on it...
Still I thought it may be usefull to someone who needs em...... "BH"
I'll have to go find the magazine and check the article out. I'm using trailer fenders on mine. I'll narrow a couple for the front. Iowa requires fenders and bumpers to pass your IDOT inspection for titling and registering but after that you can take them off. I don't know how legal that is but I was never hassled for not having them. It makes me wonder why they have the requirement if they aren't going to enforce it but I'm not going to ask them about it. Steve
Wisconsin has a fender law but it depends on year built and if a reconstruct or original title.Mine was built in 1990 which beats the 1996 fender law on a reconstruct.

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