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GM 8.2 10-bolt rear end pinion offset.


I'm considering a 8.2 BOP 10-bolt rear end for my tbucket. The pinion is about an inch offset from center. From my initial math this looks like I'll have around a 4 degree driveshaft angle. Would that cause any issues?
I'm considering a 8.2 BOP 10-bolt rear end for my tbucket. The pinion is about an inch offset from center. From my initial math this looks like I'll have around a 4 degree driveshaft angle. Would that cause any issues?

No it won't hurt anything. Between the suspension travel and the pinon offset it will insure all of the bearing cups get equal wear and the needle rollers get equal lubrication.
Ford's 9" third members were often offset a good amount with no issues. The reason GM offsets those rear hosing it so they can use one axle length for both sides.
Good luck with your project.
My 9” rear pinion is 15/16” off to the passenger side. Depending on your frame, you can shift the engine the same distance if you want your drive shaft straight. Trans output is inline with the pinion. But centering the engine won’t be a problem unless you are have some crazy angles between the trans and the rear pinion.
My 9” rear pinion is 15/16” off to the passenger side. Depending on your frame, you can shift the engine the same distance if you want your drive shaft straight. Trans output is inline with the pinion. But centering the engine won’t be a problem unless you are have some crazy angles between the trans and the rear pinion.
Sure, actually, many vehicles have the drive train and engine offset to allow more room for the driver and controls. It’s just if you want to have it off center. Your exhaust could be a bit problematic, especially if you want to run traditional headers and side pipes, but I can’t think of anything else that would be negatively affected, you could offset the differential and add a spacer to the short side too. Just think it through, maybe mock it up and decide what’s the best resolve for your build. But think it through, I have been bitten by little demons created by modifications early in the build.

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