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Ground clearance


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How high is your ______ from the ground?
If some of you wouldn't mind can I get some random measurements from you? I am wondering high some some different points are from the ground. The header pipes, front axle, pitman arm, rear axle and the tire sidewall height. I'm going with different wheels and tire which should change some of this but I have a few items that are really close to the ground.
The lowest spot on my T is the oilpan... 3.5" :eek: ! Next lowest is the steering box at 3.75". I ave a Slamguard oil pan and it has served its purpose on several occasions!!

Here are the clearance figures on my car:

Header pipes - 6.6875"
Front axle - 5.4375"
Pitman arm - 3.625" ( using a cross steer Vega box )
Rear end - 9.8125" ( measured @ center housing )
Tire sidewall - Front 195/80x15 = 6.14"
Rear 285/70x15 = 7.85"
Oil pan - 3.125" ( using a Slamguard pan )
Interesting, I'm not too far off of what you guys are. The tires are old and useless so it's not at proper ride height. I'm going to fill the tires back up and remeasure. It just seems really low to me.
Scrub line. You don't want any critical parts lower than if the car had 4 flat tires on it. If you had a flat tire you would not want the pitman arm dragging the ground. Nor would you want the radius rods or anything like that to come in contact with the pavement. Oil pans and tranny pans no big deal. Any way 3 1/2"-4" is usually enough.
a word from a old street rodder.i like to have a old set of rim's the size i'm going to run on the car. build the car around them and as long as it does not ground out its just about right. in calif. the law reads no part of the car can be lower then the lowest part of the rim. if you can find a picture of a car called low34. it was in street rodder and rod and custom and at Memphis in the 70's That car was built o the rim's
Well with a half flat tire I'm at 3.5" for the pitman arm to ground clearance. That's with 3.5" of sidewall. For those that don't know I bought a complete car but it needs to be rebuilt so I'm checking out clearances and such.
I am going to order my wheels and tires before I cut and rebuild anything that's good advise plus these are shot and not safe for much more than rolling the car around.
I am hoping to start the motor this weekend though.

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