Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Had a rough day outside but we won.


Pack 34 49ers 16 had great seats that I won at work.

We did have 3 F18's fly over which was cool.
I've been a die hard Bears fan all my life, my second favorite team is anyone that beats the Packers.
I prefer US football to the UK soccer, believe it or not.
As i worked for a Pittsburgh based company I have to go with the Steelers. I remember being at a bar in a hotel once in the southside, when there was a steelers game on and I commented to the barmaid I did nt know what all the fuss was about. She refused to serve me for the rest of the night. I had to go to another bar to get a drink.... go figure!!

That was many years ago before I found out how much the game means to the people in the US. I learned my lesson there.

Since that time I have seen a number of football games in the US, from Baltimore to LA. I also had the privilege of getting a seat for an Angles game (before Disney), with one of our directors in our Anaheim division, which was apparently one of the seats that people go nuts for. Cant believe how fast these guys can pitch a ball. Looks fast on TV but in real life its amazing.
Best bit was ins the food hall and looking at all them CA blondes just cruising and lookin good. My associates words not mine, but I have to agree they were cute.

Some of our rivalries are long-running and deeply ingrained, but not nearly as bitter as the Celtic / Rangers rivalry in Glasgow! :beat:


Yep I noticed that going to a game in the US was a civilized thing. Football in the UK and especially the northern reaches can be a little 'rough' Thats one of the reasons I really do despise soccer. Its the mob and their ways that just plain gets to me. I am in the minority here and people just cant accept that I dont like the game, the players and the fans. But live and let live, they probably dont like Buckets
Nope, I still cannot root for the Steelers. Stems from the Luv Ya Blue days here in Houston. But I will root for them when they play the Cowboys. I'll root for anybody when they play the boys.

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