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Hand shear bench top mount


VIP Member
I saw this at the metal meet this past weekend. It's an easy build and works like a charm.


The dementions are on the parts. I used 3/16" stock but the one at the meet was 12ga. The shear was $35 at Harbor Freight. On my shear the mounting holes are 2" apart.


Hold the up right back at least 1" from the edge of the bottom plate.


And there you have it.


I added a 1/4" x 1/4" x 1" strip of urathene between the rear mounting surface and the body of the shear so there wouldn't be any stress on the shear housing.

A tip here, when you cut your piece, especially if it has a curve edge, make 2 cuts. The first one a quarter inch out from yor line and the second cut on the line. This makes it much easier to control your material.

thats cool !
Who resurrects these old posts ? Youngster has been dead for at least two years and Fred has been banned for just as long.
Until the community finds out who is responsible for these phantom posts (especially Youngster) and why they are showing up I think they should stop.
As informative as they are, whoever the person is that is responsible for these reposts should own up to them.


Any one with a little knowledge of T Bucket Forums history should realize that its' a little creepy to call people back from the dead to make posts.
Better to make a post in present tense with the posters true name and then note or give credit to the original poster (OP).
one finger john - to be fair, a newer member has no idea that Ron passed away- Youngsters title only says VIPS. Vince only has 6 posts and been a member for 2 years, so he's not a frequent visitor. Certainly no Phantom...

No need to get that excited- jeez, this ain't the HAMB or Pirate 4x4 site...

Vince, as the original post states, the shear was from Harbor Freight, so you can check their web site and get the specs on the shear and the gage metal it will handle.
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