Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Headlight AIM Adjustment


Sorry about this kinda simple silly newbie question. So before I go tear apart my headlights to get them aimed correctly how do they adjust? I have searched for instructions to no avail. They are Dietz style headlights with the one vertical mounting bolt/ stem that the wires run through. They look just like the ones on SpeedWay. I am assuming the one nut can be loosened and then the light can be pushed around then once aimed tighten the bolt again. I just want to make sure it is that easy and I don't have to tear the light out of the bucket. And I need some more posts so I can use more features like posting pictures. Thanks!
That is how I had to do mine. Bit of bother, but take the time and do it right. Level ground, good wall for lights to shine on, and adjust away.
Here's a tool I made to facilitate adjusting the headlights on my T-bucket. Just cut a slit in the 'box' end of a 3/4" combo wrench to allow for the headlight wires to pass through. That way, I can slip the wrench up under the headlight stanchion and tighten the nut when I have the beam aimed. I don't have to disconnect the headlight wires. :geek:

Well Spanky, one of us copied the other. I made mine years ago when I had the cycle shop. I think I also have a socket with a grove cut in it for the deep nuts.
I think I have a large pipe wrench with the cutout that should work.
Mine are pretty bad as they illuminated the tie rod to about 3 feet out front and mostly the sidewalk on low beam.
Thanks for the tip!
Here's a tool I made to facilitate adjusting the headlights on my T-bucket. Just cut a slit in the 'box' end of a 3/4" combo wrench to allow for the headlight wires to pass through. That way, I can slip the wrench up under the headlight stanchion and tighten the nut when I have the beam aimed. I don't have to disconnect the headlight wires. :geek:

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Wouldn't a Crescent wrench do the same thing?
I drilled a hole in the headlight housing and put the wires through that and used an acorn nut in the old location to adjust the headlight. Please pay no attention to all the dust and the reflection of the big dummy trying to get a good picture.


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