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randy baker

New Member
my name is randy baker ,i'm a streetrodder since1968 and have built several cars over the years. but i've always had the desire to built a bucket or a c-cab. found your site and thought i'd get an education. thanks for having me.
Welcome to a great site. Where are you located in Maryland, I'm north of Towson.
Welcome from Northern Illinois Randy.
Welcome from frozen Minnesota. Pull up a chair and join in .

Welcome from the northern part of Maryland.
thanks for the welcoming commitee.i'm located in hagerstown,md,all you fellow marylanders are gonna have to come up when cruisin weather starts again. we have had as many as 400 cars show up at the valley mall which is just off of the 1-81 & 1-70 happens on saturday afternoon and goes to about 9 pm. thats when the music stops and some leave but we still have us die hards that shoot the shit till whenever.

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