Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Hello from North Idaho


I'm new to the site. I have a Ron Pope big boy body that I have big plans for! I've been hoarding parts for over 15 years, and now that I have the body, I'm getting started. My plans are for something unique, and I'll get into that later. Engine is a Chevy inline 6 I scored for free, 3 carbs, a 5 speed, and a host of other goodies.

I'm enjoying reading all the build info here. This is a great community. My favorite thing about t buckets is that you can do almost anything with them build-wise as long as you do your home work. To each his own, and I like that.
Welcome Shane. And you are right about our community; there is no friendlier group in the world of car folks than 'bucketheads!' Can't wait to hear more about your project. Hurry up and post 10 messages so you can post some pics :):D:thumbsup:

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