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Hello from T-Bucket friend!


New Member
Hi guys, Jim Aust here. You might know my name from Rod & Custom, The Goodguys Gazette or The Rodder's Journal. I own the SO-CAL Speed Shop L.A. (call if you ever need a deal!) and have just started my own FREE on-line magazine "Traditional Speed and Kustom".
Famous T-Bucket Legend Danny Eichstedt (original owner & builder of the Leg Show T) was by today and told me about this site. That excited me because I am a huge fan of the T-Bucket and have been planning my own idea of a more nostagic T-Bucket kit. I will post some pics later from my other computer.
Anyway- I also have my store inside another T-Bucket lengends hot rod shop- his name is Richard Graves- look for his name in the Rodder's Journal in the Dan Woods story.
Anyway- just wanted to say HI and look forward to hanging out with you all. Thanks Jim

Norm Grabowski and Tommy Ivo are two of my BIGGEST heroes!
JimAust said:
Hi guys, Jim Aust here. You might know my name from Rod & Custom, The Goodguys Gazette or The Rodder's Journal. I own the SO-CAL Speed Shop L.A. (call if you ever need a deal!) and have just started my own FREE on-line magazine "Traditional Speed and Kustom".
Famous T-Bucket Legend Danny Eichstedt (original owner & builder of the Leg Show T) was by today and told me about this site. That excited me because I am a huge fan of the T-Bucket and have been planning my own idea of a more nostagic T-Bucket kit. I will post some pics later from my other computer.
Anyway- I also have my store inside another T-Bucket lengends hot rod shop- his name is Richard Graves- look for his name in the Rodder's Journal in the Dan Woods story.
Anyway- just wanted to say HI and look forward to hanging out with you all. Thanks Jim

Norm Grabowski and Tommy Ivo are two of my BIGGEST heroes!

Welcome aboard
Welcome aboard from a ex-socal guy(huntington beach).

You've found the best bucket place on the web.
:welxome:Yea and their was much rejoicing.
hi again jim ... i think you'll like it here. bunch of great guys that just love T buckets. lots of history among the posters here and a great willingness to help the next guy out with his project. please do post your concept. i can't imagine any questions you don't already have answers for but maybe you'll be able to help someone else out.


Hi Jim Glad you came by and like the others have said Welcome.
And good luck with your new So Cal Speed Shop...
For though of you who do not know Jim he has been around cars and hot rods all his life. Good kid...OK...good guy I'll give him a break.;)
:welcome: glad your here I have been reading the so cal speed shop chassis book for a few days( I 'm a slow reader )lots of good info in there and here to. Startin my first tbucket and want to do it right the first time . .Francis
Welcome we are always interested in new ideas and options like heated seats.Enjoy your time here.
Hey Jim!! Had no idea you were a T bucket guy, welcome aboard!! You'll like it here, the atmosphere is exactly what you are promoting over at the Garage.
Howdy....great to have ya here......Jimmy Shine gonna build a T?????? That'd be cool..................:cool: Hey, we're glad to have ya here and a big 'HELLO' for everyone .....
Thanks everyone! Yes, I'm a big fan of T-Buckets and their history. A true Icon! Glad you have a community for us to share it's importance. I think I'm gonna work up a T-Bucket story for my magazine. You guys should like it! Thanks Jim
Welcome, Jim. It's great to have all of you experienced builders and "T" lovers here on the site....super for us first-timers. :):dance::cry:
hello Jim I am Everette Moore from Lenoir NC where they are holding the NTB show in June I am a new member also I have built several Ts but my concept is trikeing them out and whitch you can change them back to a T-Bucket x4 in just a couple of hours glad to hear you are going to have an online mag looking forward to seeing it

Yes, please all take a look at the magazine @ Traditional Speed and Kustom
Maybe we can get together with some of you guys to get a story put together on this year's T-Bucket Nationals? I'd just need pictures. Some road stories of getting there would be GREAT! Thanks Jim

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