Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               



Well-Known Member
Hi all, I am a life long hot rod enthusiast and long time car builder, but recently purchased my first T-bucket. It is a replica glass 27 with a 1967 bbc 427 with tunnel ram and dual quads, super t-10 and a ford 9" with 4:56 gears. It has magnesium spokes on the front and magnesium mags on the rear with slicks that are soon to go (the slicks). I have not driven it as it is a somewhat disassembled project that was neglected in a garage for 20 years. It has a lot of goodies and will soon be the center of attention in my shop. I joined after reviewing many of the posts and am impressed with the information and attitude of the members. I look forward to enjoying some good conversations in the future.
Welcome from northern Illinois

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