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Hi Everyone 65 yo always wanted one of those T buckets.

Looking for all of the help I can get. Picked up a speedway body, was going to go with there frame kit, but not so sure. Seems like it would cost about the same or more than building one
Would it be better to find a car that needs some work?
Any input would be appreciated, and thank you in advance for your input.
Thank you everyone, I might just buy one that needs to be finished.
Seems like there are quite a few for sale.
Be darned selective. You can spend more trying to finish one to your liking than building from scratch. Parts are not universal... most need fabricated to work, even some of the kits.
Might be a wise idea if you’ve not built anything from scratch, or don’t have the equipment. Good luck.

Also, one that already has a title and registration would be a big plus here in California.
Thanks to everyone for your input,
I always took pride in being able to do everything myself.
I guess it makes more sense at this age to enjoy one.
So the search is on for the right car.

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