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hilborn on the street


New Member
Is anyone running hilborn on there t? I have been told its not very streetable. I dont see why not. Please tell me if I am looking at it all wrong.:D
I had a Hilborn set-up on a dragster and driving around in the pits was no problem but it can't be very fuel efficient as it is just a contrloled fuel leak. Plus they don't really look that cool with air cleaners. How about the Garlets stacks that go over a carb? He also has one that looks like an Enderly for a blower.
I had them on a 301 Chevy drag altered, can't imagine driving on the street with them, although I have heard of it being done. I guess it would take a bit of playing around with pills to get the right mixture, but I bet mileage would be zip.

There's a guy up here who has a Hilborn setup on his T. I haven't seen the car for several years but back when I was doing the small town car show thing he showed up a lot. He had a trailer with an auxiliary fuel cell with high pressure hoses to connect it to the car. He and his wife took some trips to California with the car in this configuration so I guess it worked okay. I didn't like the car and I didn't like the guy but that's another story.

i know of someone who tried to run one for a couple of years. he said the problem he had was trying to regulate fuel for street use. at one time you could get an adjustable metering unit that could be tweeked from inside the car. long story short he's now bald.
i have wondered if an efi system could be intergrated into one. i just happen to know of a system that could be bought.

blownchebby said:
Is anyone running hilborn on there t? I have been told its not very streetable. I dont see why not. Please tell me if I am looking at it all wrong.:funmeter2:
The September '86 issue of HOT ROD has a good article on setting up and tuning mechanical injection for the street if you can find a copy. It's very doable. Have you lokked ar Hillborns site? Hilborn Fuel Injectors
Youngster said:
i know of someone who tried to run one for a couple of years. he said the problem he had was trying to regulate fuel for street use. at one time you could get an adjustable metering unit that could be tweeked from inside the car. long story short he's now bald.
i have wondered if an efi system could be intergrated into one. i just happen to know of a system that could be bought.

Hillborn, Crower, and Kinsler all made on-board "jet selectors" to dial your mixture for varying conditions. Only use one with removable jets, and install a main jet canister in the line (use a jet larger than any in the selector or the selector won't work) to retain the poppet valve.
Redline/Weber makes EFI systems using 45mm throttle bodies that are tunable with a laptop computer. I've seen a picture at Clifford 6=8 that they are selling for the 292 inline six. Looks cool but pricey. I know nothing about fuel injection but I'm getting curiouser and curiouser. Go to Clifford Performance: Chevy 250-292 and scroll down a bit to see the system
I don't know how street-able this stuff is, but TWM has some nice V8 independent throttle body kits for computer controlled, fuel injected systems. You would need to get your hands on something like a MegaSquirt control system to make it all work. They've got kits for the SBC, SBF, and Hemi. I bet you could build some nice tall stacks for them. A little pricey for my budget: TWM Induction Official Website (805) 967-9478

Small Block Chevy

Small Block Ford


Hilborn offers an electronic fuel injection system that looks like the old mechanical units but they are expensive. This is an engine we used in the proto Scarab car.



It seems to be hard to get the mixture right on the street you tend to have to run it a bite rich. you can convert the old mechanical set up to electronic injection that would be the best all around set up.
I used to have a hilborn on a show car. It was weird to drive. Since there is no accelerateor pumps, you have to pump the throttle to get it rolling. An efi conversion would make an excellent set up for the street.
Its great at full throttle and okay at idle ands pretty much useless in all other situations.

But Hilborn does do an EFI setup and everyone they sell is actually tuned buy Stu Hilborn hisself (at 94/95 years old). Mate had one on a 540 blower motor but he had some problems with the crank so upgraded to a 572 because you cant have too much power.

guess where got my 540 from?

You could also look at BDS as they do some very nice stuff
actually, there was a stack EFI setup for a BBC for sale down here a few months back. Dude had it in a 540 cube 55 chev.

It was NZ$4000 so thats only US$2000 as our dollar has crashed in the past 6 months. let me know if thats what you are after & I will chase him down

I am still learning about hilborn. I want a 3 or 4 hole 6-8/71 injector set up.I dont know about what pump ,nozzels,or bypass.But I will figure it all out.And if gas get high as hell again I will put that bitck on alky.
I picked up a 4 hole Hilborn & hat down here last year. Was tempted to EFI it and fit it to the bucket, but went with a BDS EFI setup.

The Hilborn will go on my Fuel Altered project sometime in the next 5 years. I have the 477 Chev engine nearly finished.
all the new Hilborn type induction for the street now is run off computers and are expensive. BDS is a good place to go but they start at around $5000. There are a few around here with blown hilborn setups. Looks KILLER but ain't cheap.
Oooo that would look killer on a "T" or any other type of street rod. Did some checking too and boy you would have to come up with a lot of scripts to get a set up up like that.
I cpould sell you a 4 port Hilborn for US$1250 plus freight. Its mechanical and good for running alky. Has the Hilborn scoop and a front cover with the Chev bowtie on it.

I bought it for a fuel altered project but an looking at a 26 T coupe thats available so may sell some stuff in the short term to get it.
blownchebby said:
I am still learning about hilborn. I want a 3 or 4 hole 6-8/71 injector set up.I dont know about what pump ,nozzels,or bypass.But I will figure it all out.And if gas get high as hell again I will put that bitck on alky.

There Ya Go!!!:razz:!!! Just put something in the alky that way ya can see it burn! Ha!
I've set alot of Hilborn's up, really all they are are tubes with jets in the fuel lines, and they're sensitive to fuel pressure and barometric pressure. They're great for racing because you don't idle for long, and they were made for wide open throttle. If it didn't run right, all you did was change the pills............
Only drawback....they really don't have a 'dedicated' idle circuit, ie, float, low speed idle, etc.......
You can trick it by running a big electric fuel pump, crank the regulator up, idle the engine up.....they don't do low idle that good..:D.. and I have even gone so far as drilling some really small holes in the butterflies to allow a airflow at idle so the engine won't stumble when you hit the gas........:cool:

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