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Is anyone running hilborn on there t? I have been told its not very streetable. I dont see why not. Please tell me if I am looking at it all wrong.

The September '86 issue of HOT ROD has a good article on setting up and tuning mechanical injection for the street if you can find a copy. It's very doable. Have you lokked ar Hillborns site? Hilborn Fuel Injectorsblownchebby said:Is anyone running hilborn on there t? I have been told its not very streetable. I dont see why not. Please tell me if I am looking at it all wrong.:funmeter2:
Hillborn, Crower, and Kinsler all made on-board "jet selectors" to dial your mixture for varying conditions. Only use one with removable jets, and install a main jet canister in the line (use a jet larger than any in the selector or the selector won't work) to retain the poppet valve.Youngster said:i know of someone who tried to run one for a couple of years. he said the problem he had was trying to regulate fuel for street use. at one time you could get an adjustable metering unit that could be tweeked from inside the car. long story short he's now bald.
i have wondered if an efi system could be intergrated into one. i just happen to know of a system that could be bought.
blownchebby said:I am still learning about hilborn. I want a 3 or 4 hole 6-8/71 injector set up.I dont know about what pump ,nozzels,or bypass.But I will figure it all out.And if gas get high as hell again I will put that bitck on alky.