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How is this tbucket built?


Im almost 100% sure this car is a tbucket. And I cant help to build something like it.
But im a little thrown off by the frame because it looks like it sits much lower where the body is at.

Think this build is possible with the current build I have going on?

20210711_203352 1.jpg
It probably has Z'd frame rails and a channeled floor.
This one is a lot like mine.

Think this build is possible with the current build I have going on?

Possible? Yes; probable??? How are your fabrication skills? To achieve that low stance will require the frame to be Z'd at front and rear, and some serious body channeling, maybe even sectioning. Notice how far above the rear of the body the seats extend. Cool . . . . yes, but to get there, a LOT of work.
Yeah, it looks like the frame drops down. I'll bet it really cuts into the foot room too.
Its a nice touch that he has a functional door. A real "Because I can" flex.
I love the low look of the car. Im wondering though how the driveshaft runs to the rear. If it cuts into the body of the car or not.

Thats why I did my front axle the way i have on my build, to have it sit lower. I just want to build something unique, not just another tbucket
I love the low look of the car. Im wondering though how the driveshaft runs to the rear. If it cuts into the body of the car or not.

Yes. The trans and drive shaft tunnels take up a lot of floor space. So the overall body needs to be wider to get seats in there.

In my case, 9 1/2" wider.

You can set a T as low as you can, but driving it is a whole different story...

forgive the colour its was a Photoshop play, but it was a close call against Yella(Ted B reference)

purp-colour2 (2) (2015_11_13 11_07_31 UTC).jpg

Exhausts both sets (6) (2015_11_13 11_07_31 UTC).jpg

Just have to decide where you want to go.
One of the baddest ass Ts in the world.
/\/\/\ better quality than any big brand name car on the road, plus a huge quantity of innovation, skill and expertise. Has left me jaw dropped on many occasions.....
Yep. I did not run the car this low as it was just unrealistic. Theres a lot of pic of my T on this site. Rather than repeat them try a search under Gerry as a poster.

front end chassis.JPG

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