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HUH? You Figure It Out.


VIP Member
I know it's off topic cause it's not a T-Bucket but what the heck.

Thats a South Texas Clam digger:lol:

They use 'em along the coast for diggin up clams.
that way, they can just drive up, open the door, dig 'em up.
don't hafta worry about spillin' their beer:razz:

Gotta be a shoped pic. otherwise its been widened a load and stuck on the frame in a really screwed up angle... and where would you hide the engine? rout the steering? it would be a nightmare...
Coupefreak said:
Thats a South Texas Clam digger:lol:

They use 'em along the coast for diggin up clams.
that way, they can just drive up, open the door, dig 'em up.
don't hafta worry about spillin' their beer:razz:


My kinda car

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