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I need a fuel pressure regulator recommendation


Active Member
I should have installed one at the beginning, but never got around to it. Well its time to start working out the last kinks and this is one of them.

Nothing fancy, I am running a 355 SBC, Holley mechanical fuel pump, XE262 Comp Cam, 600 vac secondary Holley 1850.

I need a regulator and liquid gauge. I have seen some recent posts about Holley pumps, but not sure how that goes with the regulators.

So whats the go to regulator? I always thought it was a standard Holley reg, but looking for some opinions.

I have always used a Holley regulator but never on a mechanical pump before. I don't imagine that the regulator would know the difference though.
I've used the Holley regulators on mech pumps with no trouble. Stay away from the cheapo round adjustable units that most auto parts stores sell. They're pretty much a leak waiting to happen.

My experience is that mech pump pressures are all over the place no matter what they're SUPPOSED to be. I had a stock AC pump once that went over 10 PSI! Not very many Q-jets are going to hold that much pressure.

If you intend to mount the gauge on the engine make sure it's rated for that. If not, it WILL fail.

Why do you think you need a reg.? Is your fuel pressure too high ? Unless you have a high pressure mech. pump , you should be in the 6-7 psi range which should be fine w/ a carb.
Keeper, most automotive vacuum test gauges have dual scales that allow them to be used as fuel pressure test gauges. The hardest part is getting them temporarily plumbed into the fuel system. Of course they're just for testing.

I make it a point now to check all mechanical pump pressures. Most all are made overseas and quality control appears (to me at least) to be pretty lax. If QC on the diaphragm springs isn't good the pressures vary from pump to pump.

Most of my carbs are Rochester or Carter/Edelbrocks and they are happier around 5 PSI. Your Holley should handle more.

I know you didn't ask, just thought I would throw out the info.

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