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I need a hitman

der Spieler

I'm watching TV and a commercial is on for some $60 value that you can buy, if you call right away, for only $19.95. Billy Mays is the pitch man. Would any of you like to join me in financing a hit on this idiot. I have spent a fortune on batteries for my remote after wearing them out changing channels to evade that screaming voice when his commercials come on. Also, does anyone know the name of a hitman?
I'd gladly pitch in for that cause. This guy is so irritating!

Can you get Anthony Sullivan and the two with the magic bullet too?
Ha .. tie him to a chair, super glue his eyes open and make him watch reruns
of Ron Popel pitch his chop-a-matic and pocket fisher man for the next 60 days.:rolleyes:

Johnny Angel
Re: I need a hit-man

Have you seen him selling health insuance on TV? Yea, thats a company I would trust with my helath insurance. Who was the wizz that thought Billy Mays would be a good spokesman for Health insurance?

And Vince with the Sham-WOW! "If it's made in Germany, it's gotta be good" It's been downhill ever sence they started putting water in VW engines :rolleyes:

But a hitman? Thats a little ruff... Can't we just have them nurddered before they reproduce?
Have you guys seen the one where the women loose weight.....? The one woman has a couple chins and says "My Husband can't keep his hands off of me!" Enough to make ya loose yur lunch, no wonder there loosin weight....... :eek:
Advertising, thats where the big bucks are, we should all be into advertising.....I guess we are inna way, Advertise this T-Bucket thing and promote the growth of our addiction. Better than the alternatives, Vette's and 32 fords.......:sad:.... "BH"
Does anyone else think Billy Mays uses bootblack for hair coloring? ;)

Look at it this way - if they take the Billy Mays commercials off, we'll have MUCH more time for the pharmaceutical commercials with all their warnings and disclaimers. :rolleyes:
Webmaster said:
Does anyone else think Billy Mays uses bootblack for hair coloring? ;)

Look at it this way - if they take the Billy Mays commercials off, we'll have MUCH more time for the pharmaceutical commercials with all their warnings and disclaimers. :rolleyes:

Yep! I guess it's part of his appeal to his target audience...

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