Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

I really don't understand


I know that in most hot rod circles a T bucket is probably the most overlooked car and the least desireable to most but why does my bucket sometimes beat cars with $5000 paint jobs and high dollar show cars ? mine is nowhere near show condition and driven almost every day,in a judged show I don't do well but in a show where the people vote or other car owners vote i useually win an award and most of the time i feel i don't have a chance against what is at the show and am always surprised at winning something.I went to recieve a trophy at a show and was so surprised I asked the guy ,are you sure you have the right guy?not blowing my own horn or bragging just a bit mistafied
I think in your case, it would be that your T is a more traditional contemporary build...
I take a slightly different position. For one thing, I won't enter a show if it is not a judged show. These participant or people's choice shows are not for me. My car is a daily driver but I keep it in show condition at all times. Sure, it can be a chore at times but I consider it a labor of love on my part. Not to brag, but my car has done very well at these shows. It has never done less than best in class and has even captured a best of show. I really cherish the best of show as that was judged by three groups of three to four judges. They looked over all the cars very thoroughly, even the underside.


P.S. It can really make you feel good when your driver beats out a ride that arrives at a judged show on a trailer.
Ex Junk - Please Post a Picture!

I am sure that many people would like to see it too.
I won an award at a show for "Best unfinished rod". Funny thing is, I just stopped in the show because it was for chryslers and I am a hemi guy. Didnt register or anything, just found a place to park and walked around checking out some of the cool stuff. The awards guy asked if the owner of my car would come up and handed me this chunk of plastic. He told me what it was for so I told him to shove it up his A$$. Walked back to my car and left very quietly.

My car was finished.

If people want a trophy so bad it's a lot cheaper to just go buy a trophy then build a car.
This is a very classic look that the average guy could afford to build while still looking awesome. That is what people like to see. Just my old opinion.
I quit doing shows years ago. The big shows like Goodguys give the awards to the quarter million dollar cars. Small town shows, if they have judges, are usually judged by members of the show organizers; civic organizations, charitable groups, etc. These judges usually don't have a clue and give the award to the most bling. Lobbying for votes is the best way to win at shows that are judged by participants. Shows judged by spectators fall into the same class as organizer judged shows; clueless people judging the bling. I attended some small shows the first year I had my car on the road and I took home a few trophies. I was a member of Goodguys for several years and I went the the Heartland Nationals in Des Moines every year I was a member but it wasn't for accolades. I had a lot of friends who brought their cars and it was a good time just hanging out swapping lies, watching the burnout contests and the flame throwers.

The Des Moines Goodguys show is on the weekend around the fourth of July so there was an excellent fireworks display on Saturday night and we were able to get real cheap tickets into the grandstand for the stockcar races at the fairground's 1/2 mile dirt track. It's a good event if you don't mind giving Meadors a ton of your hard-earned money. I do mind so I quit going.
You have a car that everyone would like to cruise around town. Very cool ride. I'm sure you enjoy every minute your in it.

I've never understood the trophy hounds that don't drive their cars much. Really though if that's what they enjoy, more power to 'em.

Once walked around a little dune buggy at a car show... couldn't really see the car because they brought all their trophies and surrounded the car with them.

Watched them as they packed up and left. The trophies were all rolled up in padding and neatly placed in the back of the buggy, ready to take to the next show and display I guess.

Everytime I go by a yard sale I look around for bowling or football or baseball trophies. Occasionally I'll find one and I'll slip it in the mix at hte next car show when someone has their trophies on display.

Never been able to catch the "WTF?" look on anyone's face as they are packing their beloved car show trophies away to come across some old soccer trophy that they can't figure out from where it came.

But someday I will... and I'll have a camera...
Planting trophies now thats funny.

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