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In the beginning . . .

Probably. My buddy didn't send into just a handful of photos from the Autorama. Does the original still exist?
51Cards said:
Isn't that Cookie II

No, this is Kookie II

That is a clone of the original.
Todd said:
No, this is Kookie II

That is a clone of the original.

Ok The reason I asked is because I know the person who Owns the Original for some unknown reason refuses to release it ,Yet is doing NOTHING with it. I know people like that,too bad, so sad.
it's too bad the original went through a re-do, still would be nice to see it in it's currect form on the road again.

Tbucit said:
Are we sure that was a clone? I looked over it alot while I was there, but I didn't realize that Norm was in attendance or I would have asked him. Speaking of Norm I really would like to get him to sign my 1958 copy of Life magazine anybody have any ideas on how or where he might show next. I have either run across him without it or have it and he wasn't around.


It's a clone. I'm at work, but when I get home I'll post a pic of what the original looks like as of the last sighting. When you see it you'll..... let's just say you'll reintroduce yourself to whatever you may have just eaten.

The guy who has the original, not only screwed it up in the 60's, but he won't even let people LOOK at it much less take pics. Oh, he's said to be a REAL butthead.
Youngster said:
it's too bad the original went through a re-do, still would be nice to see it in it's currect form on the road again.


My understanding is that the redo is very old (80's) very ugly, and sitting in a corner somewhere not being touched or sold. ok 60's I knew it was something like
Tbucit; Speaking of Norm I really would like to get him to sign my 1958 copy of Life magazine anybody have any ideas on how or where he might show next.

Not sure when or where he'll show up but he use to live near Leadville, Arkansas. That's just west of Mountain Home and Spirit T Buckets and maybe they can help you out.

The last I knew Norm lived in Lead Hill, Arkansas. He is definitely not the easiest person in the world to get in touch with. I'm not sure but I think the fellow at put me in contact with him at one time. That was several years ago after the accident that sliced his hand open.

You are correct, it is Lead Hill, Arkansas. Still just west of Spirit T Buckets and great country.

fluidfloyd said:
Tbucit; Speaking of Norm I really would like to get him to sign my 1958 copy of Life magazine anybody have any ideas on how or where he might show next.

Not sure when or where he'll show up but he use to live near Leadville, Arkansas. That's just west of Mountain Home and Spirit T Buckets and maybe they can help you out.

go to the HAMB he's on there and has his own site besides

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