Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

inline brake light switch

Personally, I do not like using a pressure switch for the brake lights. I have changed several over to a mechanical switch for friends. The reason for doing so was because the brake lights would not come on when lightly depressing the pedal to slow down some or to come to a very easy stop. This is NOT a good thing to have. Another negative to an inline pressure switch is that if you have to replace it you are allowing air to enter the system and then you'll need to bleed the brakes. As I said earlier, this is my opinion and experience.

The one on my Wilwood proportioning valve would not work Speedway is sending a new one. I ask about pressure and they said it takes a minimum of 60 to 100 lbs of pressure to activate the switch.
With a 6:1 pedal ratio that is really only 10 pounds of pressure at the brake pedal. My wife can push the brake pedal with her hand and mine works.

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