Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Its a guy thing

That is one sweet grill. Is it yours?
hahaha ... cool!!! you could still use it as a set up block too!!!

That would be so cool to cook on and see the smoke come out the pipes.
Heres the video of it in action.
[ame=[media=youtube]M7x9E3RbAGs[/media] - V8-Grill-1[/ame]
Rick:Me and Thomas were over at your house Fri. around 3:00. Sure would have liked to meet you. Butch
I'll be over at Thomas's house between 2:30 and 3:00 tomorrow.To help square the front end and the rear end to the frame and to just sit and shoot the bull.
hmmm.... I am getting the urge to build one of these... this is crap cause I cant even finish my T without or $h!t getting in the way.... GRRRRR

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