Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Jaw dropping!


Well-Known Member
This morning I went up to where I work to do a little paperwork and mess around the shop. About an hour ago, as I was walking to my car to come home, I heard a REALLY nice rumble. I looked up and a car pulls up to the gate of the business across the street from me. This is the car!


This is a Caddy built by Troy of Rad Rides by Troy! Needless to say, I recognised it right away! I have seen this guy with some sweet rides, a '70 Z-28 Camaro, A '66 Memi Belvedere, etc. He runs a very successful construction business and is a gearhead. He says a while back, the guy who had the car built called Troy and wanted to get rid of it. Troy called the guy I know and offered it to him and he got it. he says his wife wanted something nice to cruise in that wasn't so "hot roddy"!:welcome: We talked a bit and he popped the hood for me. UNREAL is not doing this car justice when you see it in person.

He says he has had Troy and Chip Foose do work for him and hangs out at a shop north of Houston where he says they gather when Chip or Troy are in town.

I didn't have my damn camera (kicks self in butt), but he says he'll be driving it more and I'm welcome to get pics then.

Sweet looking Caddy very nice.(as i kick him for no camera)Rule #1:ALWAYS have a camera handy never know what you might see and you could save a life or solve a crime.
I know!:o:mad: Man, I didn't even want to post this thread because of not having pics. No worries, this guy is really cool and another chance will come up.

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