Your browser was displaying the index page from cache, rather than grabbing the page fresh on each visit. That's one of the reasons I often remind people to clear their browser's cache on a daily basis.
I run a PHP caching system on the server, to accelerate page loads. Without it, the compiler has to compile the PHP on each page, on every page load. With the accelerator, it caches each page, the first time it is compiled and serves the compiled version. Between that accelerator and your browser's caching, if you do not clear cache on a regular basis, you can go for days without seeing changes. And that holds true across the Web, not just on this site. When we were still running the vBulletin software, I was running a caching script at the server level and another caching script at the forum level. When I would make changes to pages, I would have to dump off the caching in both scripts, just to see what I had changed.
Clearing cache takes a few seconds and it ensures you're not missing anything. And you will often be rewarded by the browser running a bit faster, as well.