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Just a heads-up

The classifieds link for me was not visible on that header until I changed my settings to the "clean cut 3.1" setting. Not that it's any big deal, just thought I'd mention it. Had to do some searching around on a previous thread to know that there should be a link up there. Still not used to this setup, I guess, LOL.
Your browser was displaying the index page from cache, rather than grabbing the page fresh on each visit. That's one of the reasons I often remind people to clear their browser's cache on a daily basis.

I run a PHP caching system on the server, to accelerate page loads. Without it, the compiler has to compile the PHP on each page, on every page load. With the accelerator, it caches each page, the first time it is compiled and serves the compiled version. Between that accelerator and your browser's caching, if you do not clear cache on a regular basis, you can go for days without seeing changes. And that holds true across the Web, not just on this site. When we were still running the vBulletin software, I was running a caching script at the server level and another caching script at the forum level. When I would make changes to pages, I would have to dump off the caching in both scripts, just to see what I had changed.

Clearing cache takes a few seconds and it ensures you're not missing anything. And you will often be rewarded by the browser running a bit faster, as well.
Working ok here at work. I'll double check everything when I get home. Thanks Mike.
I don't want to spend too much time on this, since I can get it to work under the "cleancut 3.1" option. However, it would be nice to figure this out, LOL. It may just be the way I've got my screen resolution or other set.

In fooling around at home, I found that:

The sign-in box obscures (sp?) half the word "forums" in "T bucket Forums" when using any of the Aztec options. Under the Aztechgreen or Aztechblue option, the greenish gray or blueish gray area has the classifieds (and others) listed in white. When using the Aztech red, that area is also white, but moving the mouse around the area (as if you were fishing, LOL) will highlight the wording when the pointer is over the white letters on the white background.

I figured this out after clearing the cache and nothing changed. Like I said, probably not worth the hassle since I can get it working, and I have the rest of the computer running the way I want it. I'm reminded of a song by C&C Music Factory titled: Things that make you go Hmmm
You're not using Internet Explorer 6 as your browser, are you? It sounds as if your browser is not rendering CSS code properly. I've used CSS Absolute Positioning to place the Sign In module where it is, positioning it down from top and in from right. The width and height of the module are also defined within the CSS file.

It shouldn't be a resolution setting, as these screenshots came from a box with a wee 17" monitor, set at 1280 X 1024. I can grab screenies from my 1680 X 1050, 23" monitor, but they look the same.




I have hovered the mouse over a NavBar element in all three screenshots and the elements are all changing from white to black text on :hover, which is also defined via CSS.

It sounds as if all of the issues you have mentioned are all CSS-related, which is why I asked if you were using IE6. I am aware some companies are insistent upon sticking with IE6, but for any of you using it on your home computers, treat yourself to an upgrade. Internet Explorer 8 is the current stable release and is much more capable of handling newer coding standards. I'm using an IE9 Beta on one machine and have to admit it is actually a pretty decent browser. IE will never be my go-to browser, but I think Microsoft is finally getting the handle on what browsers need to be.
Sorry, should have specified. Using Firefox browser, but my IE 8, shows up as the same. The "support" and "classifieds" link is below the search box. White on white. This home pc is Vista with a color non-flat screen monitor. I'll fire up the other pc and the laptop tonight and check them. Laptop is Windows 7 and the other pc is XP with a flat screen. I know with the other pc and the flat monitor, I had to play around with the resolution and junk to make it how I want it overall, and not sure how this site displays on that machine. Can't recall for sure, but thought that the Vista on this machine had a "show as XP" style of font or layout option and that something like that may be tweaking everything. Didn't even know how to do a screenshot until 5 minutes ago. I'm dangerous now, LOL.

Maybe it is an issue of screen resolution. What resolution are you using? The logo image is 781 pixels wide and it looks to be consuming nearly all your horizonatal real estate. The search module is another element I used absolute positioning on, so that is why it's covering up some of the NavBar elements.
Maybe it is an issue of screen resolution. What resolution are you using? The logo image is 781 pixels wide and it looks to be consuming nearly all your horizonatal real estate. The search module is another element I used absolute positioning on, so that is why it's covering up some of the NavBar elements.

I changed my screen res and the whole thing is now visable on my IE8........XP putor. Thanks Mike for sterring me in the right direction....I'm a little slow.......... :whisper: :rolleyes:

[#10913] You do not have permission to list items.

Ideas? I disabled ABP just in case, no change.
Ideas? Oh, yeah, I've got a good idea! Problem is, you just can't hire good help around here, any more. :wall:

Some dim-witted, half-brained idiot was up a bloody gum tree when he set up the permissions on the Classifieds script and managed to goof them up. :soapbox:

Uhhh, hold on a second. Errr, never mind. :blush: Obviously, none of the above applies in this instance, as it turns out I am the only one with access to those permissions. And we all know I couldn't make that kind if mistake, don't we? Well, don't we? :angel:

Try to make a listing again. I think it should work a bit better, now that I've corrected my own, stupid mistake.
Are you sure it was a mistake ? Sure you just weren't just testing code ?
My old pc with XP and a wide flat screen is showing up fine, though I did spend 30 minutes a couple weeks back figuring out the resolution and junk to get it looking right (for all websites) after I put a new hard drive and OS in. That tried my patience. My new Windows 7 laptop with a normal sized screen is also is fine. The old craptop with XP has the same issue as the newer Vista PC but I could care less about it. Maybe I'll fool with the settings and stuff on the PC, and maybe I won't, LOL. Like I said, I can use the clearcut 3.1 and everything lays out fine. Besides, I have T Bucket stuff I want to do this weekend. I am planning on moving my T bucket project from the family room to the garage. Hopefully, for the last time.

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