Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Just one example of the madness


Well-Known Member
I want everyone to see an example of the trash I often get in my Inbox.

Be forewarned, the bampot who sent me the following message used some language that might offend. You have been warned.
Dear Sirs I was having some trouble getting back into my account but then I thought maybe it was cancelled due to being un used for a time, no problem but then I read that you don't accept certain emails as gmail yahoo & hotmail, well what the hell is this bullshit, I & my company ouse google & g mail almost exscluvely now as they are both fast efficient & safe I am not going to change my gmail just to please your sorry ass, you cannot tell me what to eat or what mail service to use I hope you have a very good explaatyiion for this farce I'm really pissed off talk to me or you lose me & I will start my own web site
What ever happened to schools teaching compositional skills? Not a single period in the entire message, that is all one, long, strung-out sentence. I loved reading about how he prefers to 'ouse' g mail (not Gmail, mind), because it is so fast, so efficient and so safe. :roflmao: Like I haven't learned what works best in the 32 years I've been online? And for the record, absolutely no e-mails are safe, because all e-mail messages are sent in clear text, with zero encryption. Sending an e-mail is like putting a letter in your mailbox, without an envelope. Because as an e-mail routes through various mail servers, it can (and usually will be) read by anyone who wants to look at it.

I was sorry to hear this individual was pissed off, but I reminded him it is always better to be pissed off than pissed on, so maybe that will brighten his day? Somehow, I doubt it will.

Anyone who has to resort to that kind of language is someone I figure we do not need participating on this site. I do not make exceptions to our e-mail guidelines to people who ask politely, so what chance did this idiot ever have of getting me to help him out? I told him not to bother trying to register, because he had already made it clear he was not going to be welcome.

Can anyone tell me, what is an 'explaatyiion'? It sounds like it might be something important and if that is the case, I might want to use that word, 'exscluvely'. o_O

I dropped this idiot's e-mail address into a filter on my mail server, which will just fail any future messages he might send, so I don't have to read any of them. Maybe I was being hasty. Since he wants to run a T-Bucket site so much, maybe I cold have sold him this one? :sneaky:

But he did give me a good cussin', didn't he? Ahhhhh, the joys of owning Web sites. :rolleyes:
I have to admit, after years of receiving hateful messages like the above, my patience wears pretty thin. Then I realize, people like this really have no clue what they are on about.

This idiot could not compose sentences as well as a third-grade school student. It is obvious spelling was never one of his strong suits. Nor could he convey his thoughts without use of the expletives, which supports my opinion of his age and IQ. (I wonder if his mommy knows he was using her computer this morning?) Then he makes several inane assumptions, one being that I would presume to tell anyone what e-mail provider they must use. Never have I done that, although I have made it clear we will refuse registrations using certain, questionable e-mail providers. It rankles some people every now and again, but imagine what this place would be like if we didn't put any effort into controlling spam.

I just don't get it, to be honest. If he doesn't like the way we operate, why take the time to rage at me over it? Did this nutter think that was somehow going to help his cause? I imagine this is the guy who wants to be seated in a restaurant with no shirt and no shoes, then spits blood at the restaurant for refusing him service. If potential new members think we are too restrictive, that's completely fair and I wish them well. But to rage at me like this character did? I explained I would not have made an exception for him, even if he had thought to ask nicely, but contacting me the way he did? Yeah, that really made me want to rush out and do him a lot of favors.


I don't pretend to have all the answers, because I simply do not. But this is not my first day on the beach, and I do have a good handle on what works well and what does not.

In the last 53 minutes (as of this writing), we have successfully blocked 20 spam registrations. Of that number, 11 of them were using Gmail, 5 were using (a popular e-mail service in Russia) and 4 were using Hotmail. Can there really be any more question as to why I disallow all of these providers? But this complete idiot, who cannot even spell the word 'use' is going to instruct me on how wonderful Gmail is? Aye. Right.
With grammar, spelling and punctuation like that, not to mention his wonderful personality, I can't imagine what company (that he refers to) would hire anyone with these truly amazing qualifications. Mike, this was entertaining to say the least.
Mike, I thank you and your understanding ways. Working for or with the public is one job EVERYONE should have to do for 2 years to really get the jist of being cussed out for something you didn't do, or had no control over. My house my rules is the best medicine for idiots that think they can bully everyone else into submission. The last bully that tried to make me do something I didn't want to caused him to get a 3 place broken jaw and loose all his teeth, and cost me $1800.00 and 6 months probation. Not really violent any more, but would do it again if neccesary.
In my opinion it`s all about respect, far too many people have forgotten or never learned how to give it.
Keep up the great job Mike, somebody has to keep all the rif-raf out of the room. ;):)
In my opinion it`s all about respect, far too many people have forgotten or never learned how to give it.
Keep up the great job Mike, somebody has to keep all the rif-raf out of the room.
What always slays me is people like that actually think they belong here.

I do agree with you, it seems respect is lost to the ages. People get upset with young children for being disrespectful, but I blame parents for failing in their duty to properly raise their children.
Here's another one that left me scratching my head in disbelief.

At 4:01 PM on Wednesday, I got a message from a potential member, via the Contact Us form. I'll not out this individual, but he contacted me with a very distinctive Gmail address, asking why we block Gmail. The user in the address was as distinctive as littleboyblue, OK? He explained he only had the Gmail address.

At 4:02 PM, that same day, we got a new registration. The registration was using an address, with the same, distinctive username. Apparently the claim that Gmail was all he had to use was no more than blowing smoke up my bum. (Imagine that! :rolleyes:)

At 12:31 AM on Thursday, I received an e-mail with the daily report on the status of pending registrations. And guess whose e-mail address was showing up as one that had not been contacted. When I got home from work, I checked the e-mail account for the server and it seems this individual had tried to register with a phony address.

I'm telling you, there are some days it just doesn't pay to chew through the leather straps.
I know where you're comin' from, Mike. These days the world seems to be full of idiots and the best we can do is not to let them drive us crazy!

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