Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Laqeur thinner on tires?

I use to clean my tires with MEK.

But thanks to the wackos we can't buy it here in California anymore.
Lots of people seem to like this 3M product, it's pretty close to a satin shine. For me after a couple of years it seem to leave a gummy residue, I used it a couple times a year. You may find it to be different.
Old style black shoe polish works
I've found that Mothers VLR ( vinyl, leather, rubber ) gives a nice, new and clean look to my tires. I hate that high gloss look that reminds me of the Black Tire Paint that used cars dealers used back when I was a kid. ( And that was a long, long time ago! )

If you can't get MEK what do you use to kick off fiberglass?

MEKP is still available. But the gallon and quart cans of MEK thinner are gone.

If I ever go over the border to Nevada, I'm gonna get a couple of gallons.
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If you want MEK just go to an Airport. Mechanics use it all the time.
Airports are Federal so they aren't bound by state politics.
Lacquer thinner is OK to clean overspray off your tires once or twice, but repeated use will cause the rubber to harden and crack. I just use Armor All. It's not overly shiny unless you really slather it on. I spray it on a rag and wipe on just enough to clean the tires.

As for MEK - that's nasty stuff. I had to take a course in safety for an employer several years ago and they emphasized the section on MEK. We even had to sign a paper that we had been informed and understood the risks involved. If you splash it in your eye, just a miniscule little drop, you have 7 seconds to get it flushed out or it will start an irreversible deterioration of the cornea. It is guaranteed blindness in a matter of days or weeks, depending on the amount in the eye. Also if you somehow swallow some of it, it will eat through your stomach lining and you will hemorrhage internally. There is no antidote for it, so death is highly likely. Maybe California outlawed it so somebody wouldn't use it as a weapon...?
Also even the fumes from MEK or having it touch your skin will cause liver damage.
Even being within a mile of the stuff can cause cancer
Wait a minute. You mean those MEK mojitos I get in Tijuana aren't kosher? They sure pack a wallop.

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