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Oh! Anticipating a little excitment are we?;)
So does this mean its time to hang on? :surprised:
Did ya put seatbelts in too?

Some how bars that long out the back has never looked rite to me,but that's just me,at the drag strip sure but on the street they look better to me about a foot or so shorter if any at all. It's super looking car and to each of us are own.:o Mostly I too big a month;) about things I don't like myself.
I like wheelie bars that stick out !!!! It is very cheap entertainment at car shows, just set up your lawn chair about 15' away and watch how many people trip over them. :rolleyes::D:D
T4ME said:
I like wheelie bars that stick out !!!! It is very cheap entertainment at car shows, just set up your lawn chair about 15' away and watch how many people trip over them. :D:D:D

Dude, thats just WRONG!!!

funny as hell, but still wrong:naughty::shifty:

They sure make people wonder when they see 'em!!


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