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Lest we forget . . .

The country has gone to hell in a hand basket!
And yet, this is still the land of the free and the home of the brave. We just need to make sure that we elect leaders who respect the constitution and the founding principles that have made this nation great, and ignore the "woke" media that tries to bring us down.


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We just need to make sure that we elect leaders who respect the constitution and the founding principles that have made this nation great, and ignore the "woke" media that tries to bring us down.

What does "Woke" mean to you? What wold you do differently if you could change things with a snap of your fingers?
Ignore was what many countries did for Nazis and communists!
Yesterday my wife asked me the date and I told her and she said” Did you remember 9-11? I thought no. I didn’t hear anything on the news or anything! I have been so consumed with the sale of my house and purchase of another I totally forgot! I’m embarrassed to admit that! I am so Assamese of the state of my country I don’t know what to do.
My personal opinion would break the no sex, politics, religion code of ethics for this Forum.
Needless to say, I was working on Fort Bragg that morning when I watched the planes hit the twin towers and then the Pentagon followed by Shanksville.
Thought we were being invaded just as we were in Hawaii.
May they all rest in peace.

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