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Lifes too short


Well-Known Member
Heres a little something from my Dad, who explored the limits of motorcycles and cars all his life.

If you aint got something good to say about someone, then dont say anything. It will come back one day.

So the point here is.
If you leave the forum or fall out with someone, please please please have the maturity and common courtesy to do it in a dignified way. Take your grips and grievances and leave them in a place where you can come to terms with them. Dont pass them on to unsuspecting people who have not had the chance to look at the whole picture. Its not fair to compromise them or the people you have a problem with unless they can experience it for themselves.

I have fallen out with a number of people in my life and spent hours thinking about what they did to me and how I could get back at them... all FUTILE. It doe nt matter a jot.

Move on, step up to your next encounter and enjoy that while it lasts. Lifes tooooooo short

I'll drink to that with a good swill of hooch or Jack Black. I'll even provide until all gone!!!
Yoooooooooooooooooo Gerry, That is so true... Many times in the past, I know I have been taken way wrong, as I am not good with the right words, when I want to help, but things need changing on someone's chassis, they took it personal... Ugly is their choice, safety is what I am always looking at, even though I would love to say something is real ugly, Beautiful is in the eyes of the beholder... Just like that fellow said of a good gift for Ob--ma, can they brass plate a cow pie?? to keep it clean... hehe
I know most of the guys personalities . I know when someone is being mean and a tiring to just ram rod someone. Ted i have never seen your comments be anything but positive.
SO Luckily their has only been a few of those types and they leave when they finally realize no one sees it like they do. So guys like Gerry, Ted, screaminmetal, ma and pa T, 409T, youngster and so on, are the guys with the right attitude here and in life and truly want to promote our hobby. So the knot heads will always come and go . I have no doubt if they get to out of hand our Scottish bouncer will show them the door. So just keep you chairs boys and pass me another cold one. :hoist:
Simply put ... Check your attitudes at the door. We are all here as part of a brotherhood to support each other in the enjoyment of these fantastic little cars. Let's keep that formost in our minds.

I agree with this thread. With the economy the way it is, small businesses, me included, are having a hard time making ends meet. My dad used to say live and let live. An interesting note. When the Irish came over from the potato famine in the late 1800's and early 1900's, a third of the population had starved to death. Now wouldn't you know the luck of the Irish. They're calling their people home. The reason why is an explosion in the computer industry and everything else. Oh yeah, my life partner just happens to be Irish.
Ireland is in real trouble at the moment. The banks have just about wiped its economy out and its having to get a load (like multi billions) from the EU just to stay afloat. Thought you might like to know
I know most of the guys personalities . I know when someone is being mean and a tiring to just ram rod someone. Ted i have never seen your comments be anything but positive.
SO Luckily their has only been a few of those types and they leave when they finally realize no one sees it like they do. So guys like Gerry, Ted, screaminmetal, ma and pa T, 409T, youngster and so on, are the guys with the right attitude here and in life and truly want to promote our hobby. So the knot heads will always come and go . I have no doubt if they get to out of hand our Scottish bouncer will show them the door. So just keep you chairs boys and pass me another cold one. :hoist:

Good afternoon,

I don't have a T bucket, I've wanted one for 30 years plus, I'm planning mine using the intelligence found on this forum. I enjoy the wit and banter here. Oh BTW, I'm not an internet junkie, I go to one other forum that deals with Lightning pickups, thats it. Guess the point being, this isn't the biggest high flowing web forum but what is here is filled full with quality and of good guys with good ideas/experience which makes for a really fun place to visit daily. I really look forward to the reads each day.
I've been here over a year and that is long time for me. The only other site I occasionally visit is the Corvette forum to observe the political goings on and maybe toss in a few words of wit.

Yogi Berra once said; "You can observe a lot by watching".

I believe the one thing that's kept me coming here is...Ooops, two things that I find important..... well OK three things, three things I like about this forum and they are... Oh there's the phone again
Now wouldn't you know the luck of the Irish. They're calling their people home. The reason why is an explosion in the computer industry and everything else. Oh yeah, my life partner just happens to be Irish.

This was true two years ago. It' isn't now. Ireland is in line for the Euro dole, just like Greece and Portugal. The sales of those consumer goods fell off in the recession there, just like everywhere else.

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