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Our Island Girl is back!!!


Staff member
Darlene has been away from our forum for a while, and shared the following with me in a PM. Please welcome her back!

"It's been a tough couple of years, Cataract surgery both eyes 2022, and then the stroke last year with kidney stones to ad insult to injury. This year started with a fall down my front steps that didn't do my back any favors. It really sucks getting old!

Seems I've recently been able to rekindle some interest in hot rods again though. Been watching videos to try building some excitement, even went thru all the pics on the Spirit cars Facebook group to see what I'm missing.

I've kind of been thinking along the line of buying a running '23 T, something inexpensive, maybe in the 10 to 12K range so that the fun of driving it might get me to where I want to get back to working on the '27.

Before I went AWOL, I bought a stainless steel front end kit to replace all the rusty pitted chrome on the original one. I just need to know how to remove the kingpins so I can put the original spindles on the SST axle I also got one of the DuVal style windshields from Speedway, before they were all sold out and discontinued. Not sure I'll ever use it, but it's there as an option.

Anyway, that's how life has been going on my end."
Welcome back Darlene, We all miss you. I hope the rekindling of the fire goes good and you get back to that 27..
This getting old is not for sissies! I’ll be glad to have her back. Welcome lovely lady!
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I can confer with these opinions !!!
Good to see you are back with us. Ya, getting old isn't always fun or easy, but beats the alternative.
I bet most of us can say that getting old sucks but here we are just killing it..........Welcome Home.......
Welcome back Darlene!
I had cataract surgery about the same time as you. They told me I had AMD at the time and have been afraild to get near a welder for a while.
The kingpins are probably rusted in place and may be near worthless. I have a spare pair that I can send you, maybe the thrust bearings too. They aren't real handy, so it may take some time to get them to you..
Darlene, So sad to hear what you have been going through the last few years. Your bucket family has been here waiting for your return. Happy to hear things are starting to look up for you again. 😁
Good to hear from you.
I had my eyes done in January. Brightness and colors are unbelievable. Glad I got it done. Glad you are back Darlene. I enjoy your post.

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