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Looking at a possible add-on


Well-Known Member
OK, boys and girls, in my never-ending quest to make this place just that much better than the other forums, I've come across an add-on that I think could bring a lot more activity to this site.

Let's face it, as long as the lurkers continue to lurk, rather than joining the site and becoming active members of our community, we're treading water. We're bringing in visitors by the trainload, but it seems for every new member that registers, one or two formerly-active members slip away.

I am watching a new articles management system being coded, and I have all but pulled the trigger on that one. It will do a really good job of replacing our old GARS (Geek Article & Review System) that we had, waaayyy back in the days when we still ran vBulletin forum software (prior to November 2009).

But I am also looking at an add-on the same coder has created, called Showcase. Here are some screenshots, to give you an idea of what it is like.


There is a quick explanation of some of the features this add-on would provide. Yes, that is a $60 price tag, with an annual $15 license renewal fee.


The Showcase would add a photo gallery-like strip of images to the top of the forum stack, on the forum index page. Obviously, this photo strip would appear under our Premium Advertiser's ad spots.


The Showcase would also have its own pages. A photo strip would be displayed here, as well, with slightly larger images displayed on the lower part of the page. And the lower images can be shown by category, such as Most Recent, Top Rated, Most Reviewed, Most Popular, Most Liked, etc.


Click on an image and you would be taken to that particular items specific page. On this tab, you would find general information.


On this tab, you would be able to get technical information about the item.


On this tab, an image gallery, where uploaded images of the item would be displayed.


This tab would be a Frequently Asked Questions tab, which we likely would not have much use for.


This tab would show reviews about the item.


And each item would have its own thread, in a Showcase discussion forum.

I am thinking this would give guys a chance to show off their rides, as well as providing a bit of information about the car, all in one, central location.

The Showcase can be used for selling cars, but I would want to give that one some thought, before we got too carried away with that angle.

Seriously, it is time to kick some life into this place. A discussion forum can be a really wild and wooly place, when there are hundreds of members, posting hundreds of threads each day. When a discussion forum has the same 23 people, submitting a post every third or fourth day, things tend to get a little b-o-r-i-n-g. Anyone can run a forum like that (just ask dickofficer). This place is better than that, so when watching the freezer defrost is more fun than checking out the new activity here, then something is in need of a tune-up.

But I do not want to spend money on something that is going to go unused. When we moved to this XenForo forum software, some members were grumbling that we had no photo gallery. As soon as a well-coded photo gallery became available, I spent $60 or $65 to buy it and three or four people bothered to use it.

Let me know what you think about adding this Showcase. If there is enough interest in it, then I'll see about getting a license and getting it installed. If you don't think it would be a good idea, tell me that, as well. But also give me some ideas on features you would like to see around here, features that would cause you to become more involved and more active in the community.

If you're reading this and do not have an account, go register. It's quick, it's painless and it costs exactly nothing. If you're reading this and you are not logged into your account, then log in and say something. A discussion forum only works when there is discussion, so have at it.
OK, boys and girls, in my never-ending quest to make this place just that much better than the other forums, I've come across an add-on that I think could bring a lot more activity to this site.

Let's face it, as long as the lurkers continue to lurk, rather than joining the site and becoming active members of our community, we're treading water. We're bringing in visitors by the trainload, but it seems for every new member that registers, one or two formerly-active members slip away.

I am watching a new articles management system being coded, and I have all but pulled the trigger on that one. It will do a really good job of replacing our old GARS (Geek Article & Review System) that we had, waaayyy back in the days when we still ran vBulletin forum software (prior to November 2009).

But I am also looking at an add-on the same coder has created, called Showcase. Here are some screenshots, to give you an idea of what it is like.


There is a quick explanation of some of the features this add-on would provide. Yes, that is a $60 price tag, with an annual $15 license renewal fee.


The Showcase would add a photo gallery-like strip of images to the top of the forum stack, on the forum index page. Obviously, this photo strip would appear under our Premium Advertiser's ad spots.


The Showcase would also have its own pages. A photo strip would be displayed here, as well, with slightly larger images displayed on the lower part of the page. And the lower images can be shown by category, such as Most Recent, Top Rated, Most Reviewed, Most Popular, Most Liked, etc.


Click on an image and you would be taken to that particular items specific page. On this tab, you would find general information.


On this tab, you would be able to get technical information about the item.


On this tab, an image gallery, where uploaded images of the item would be displayed.


This tab would be a Frequently Asked Questions tab, which we likely would not have much use for.


This tab would show reviews about the item.


And each item would have its own thread, in a Showcase discussion forum.

I am thinking this would give guys a chance to show off their rides, as well as providing a bit of information about the car, all in one, central location.

The Showcase can be used for selling cars, but I would want to give that one some thought, before we got too carried away with that angle.

Seriously, it is time to kick some life into this place. A discussion forum can be a really wild and wooly place, when there are hundreds of members, posting hundreds of threads each day. When a discussion forum has the same 23 people, submitting a post every third or fourth day, things tend to get a little b-o-r-i-n-g. Anyone can run a forum like that (just ask dickofficer). This place is better than that, so when watching the freezer defrost is more fun than checking out the new activity here, then something is in need of a tune-up.

But I do not want to spend money on something that is going to go unused. When we moved to this XenForo forum software, some members were grumbling that we had no photo gallery. As soon as a well-coded photo gallery became available, I spent $60 or $65 to buy it and three or four people bothered to use it.

Let me know what you think about adding this Showcase. If there is enough interest in it, then I'll see about getting a license and getting it installed. If you don't think it would be a good idea, tell me that, as well. But also give me some ideas on features you would like to see around here, features that would cause you to become more involved and more active in the community.

If you're reading this and do not have an account, go register. It's quick, it's painless and it costs exactly nothing. If you're reading this and you are not logged into your account, then log in and say something. A discussion forum only works when there is discussion, so have at it.
Are you attempting to create more of a market place, or just reformat how the existing forums are accesed? I don't use my phone to interact, but anything that caters to that market, or group is in my opinion going to create more interest due to ease of use. The thing I see, and I am in no way an expert, but tbuckets, as cool as they are, have a pretty limited group of participants. That may be part of the limited interaction issue. And I have noticed a lot of guys just want an answer to a question, as I did when I first visited, but don't interact much after that. Also, what's the deal with the classified section? I don't notice much activity. How do you get guys to create threads that attract interest for more than just the author?
OK, boys and girls, in my never-ending quest to make this place just that much better than the other forums, I've come across an add-on that I think could bring a lot more activity to this site.

Let's face it, as long as the lurkers continue to lurk, rather than joining the site and becoming active members of our community, we're treading water. We're bringing in visitors by the trainload, but it seems for every new member that registers, one or two formerly-active members slip away.

I am watching a new articles management system being coded, and I have all but pulled the trigger on that one. It will do a really good job of replacing our old GARS (Geek Article & Review System) that we had, waaayyy back in the days when we still ran vBulletin forum software (prior to November 2009).

But I am also looking at an add-on the same coder has created, called Showcase. Here are some screenshots, to give you an idea of what it is like.


There is a quick explanation of some of the features this add-on would provide. Yes, that is a $60 price tag, with an annual $15 license renewal fee.


The Showcase would add a photo gallery-like strip of images to the top of the forum stack, on the forum index page. Obviously, this photo strip would appear under our Premium Advertiser's ad spots.


The Showcase would also have its own pages. A photo strip would be displayed here, as well, with slightly larger images displayed on the lower part of the page. And the lower images can be shown by category, such as Most Recent, Top Rated, Most Reviewed, Most Popular, Most Liked, etc.


Click on an image and you would be taken to that particular items specific page. On this tab, you would find general information.


On this tab, you would be able to get technical information about the item.


On this tab, an image gallery, where uploaded images of the item would be displayed.


This tab would be a Frequently Asked Questions tab, which we likely would not have much use for.


This tab would show reviews about the item.


And each item would have its own thread, in a Showcase discussion forum.

I am thinking this would give guys a chance to show off their rides, as well as providing a bit of information about the car, all in one, central location.

The Showcase can be used for selling cars, but I would want to give that one some thought, before we got too carried away with that angle.

Seriously, it is time to kick some life into this place. A discussion forum can be a really wild and wooly place, when there are hundreds of members, posting hundreds of threads each day. When a discussion forum has the same 23 people, submitting a post every third or fourth day, things tend to get a little b-o-r-i-n-g. Anyone can run a forum like that (just ask dickofficer). This place is better than that, so when watching the freezer defrost is more fun than checking out the new activity here, then something is in need of a tune-up.

But I do not want to spend money on something that is going to go unused. When we moved to this XenForo forum software, some members were grumbling that we had no photo gallery. As soon as a well-coded photo gallery became available, I spent $60 or $65 to buy it and three or four people bothered to use it.

Let me know what you think about adding this Showcase. If there is enough interest in it, then I'll see about getting a license and getting it installed. If you don't think it would be a good idea, tell me that, as well. But also give me some ideas on features you would like to see around here, features that would cause you to become more involved and more active in the community.

If you're reading this and do not have an account, go register. It's quick, it's painless and it costs exactly nothing. If you're reading this and you are not logged into your account, then log in and say something. A discussion forum only works when there is discussion, so have at it.
What if you created a ongoing thread that is sort of like some of the build threads, only do it sort of like a step by step tutorial of building a car, you could get help from the sponsors and sort of spotlight their flavor, do a ford, Chevy, v6,v8 powered, etc... Use different drive and suspension components that would illustrate some options. Whatever. That could generate a lot of comments and interest from existing members and attract new members who may just be thinking about building one. It could also be a kick for the sponsors. Anyone interested in one would check in routinely to follow the build, and the regulars could all chime in with their likes, dislikes, preferences, etc. just a thought.
Are you attempting to create more of a market place, or just reformat how the existing forums are accesed?

I am attempting to find ways to make the forums more engaging to potential new members (in an attempt to increase the visitor to member conversion rate), as well as to current members who rarely post.
I don't use my phone to interact, but anything that caters to that market, or group is in my opinion going to create more interest due to ease of use.
The site, with the exception of the Admin Control Panel, is already fully responsive. We've been catering to hand-held users for years, because we had Tapatalk installed, prior to XenForo going responsive.
The thing I see, and I am in no way an expert, but tbuckets, as cool as they are, have a pretty limited group of participants.
When I first launched the site, some 8+ years ago, my stated goal was to attract 200 members to this site. I personally hoped we might get as many as 250, but I was prepared to settle for just 200 members. So the group is actually not as limited as I originally thought.
That may be part of the limited interaction issue. And I have noticed a lot of guys just want an answer to a question, as I did when I first visited, but don't interact much after that.
Exactly the problem, Which makes no sense, because I am willing to bet the farm if we could get some of these guys in a shop with a cooler full of cold beer, we wouldn't be able to get any of them to shut up. Yet here, none of them have anything to say about anything.

Because we don't want to be dealing with lost teeth, broken bones, and leaking blood, we avoid a handful of conversation topics that never fail to get people involved. Let's face it, if we opened things up and started pissing contests on topics like President Obongo, Presidential-hopefuls Mike Huckabigot and Hill-Dog Clinton, or the real reasons everyone is so frightened of Islam, we would have explosive threads. But in the very beginning, we decided we wanted discussions that brought light to the forums, rather than heat. So we don't talk about politics, we don't talk about religion, and we don't talk about weapons.

Which often leads us to talking about not a doggone thing. Yesterday, a total of 98 members actually logged into their forum accounts. Yesterday, we picked up a total of 21 new posts. 20% activity? WTF?!? Three of the new posts were in this single thread, so had I not mentioned this possible Showcase add-on, we would have had just 18 posts.

Where I got dazed and confused is when I see people posting about the chicken wings they just ate, the cheap gasoline they just bought, or the new paint on their kitchen walls, over on Facebook. Yet here, we have a forum that (I thought) caters to their favorite hobby and they have naught to say. How is that a share-all, tell-all community, when this is not? :confused: Seriously, I don't understand any of it.
Also, what's the deal with the classified section? I don't notice much activity.
People don't have anything to sell, or trade? I've no idea.
How do you get guys to create threads that attract interest for more than just the author?
I honestly do not know. Again, that is why I am trying to put out feelers, looking for ways to inspire more activity amongst our membership.

I was ready to set up forums where we could discuss flashlights, sailboats, and home nursing, but @RPM punched me in the nose, when I mentioned it. :roflmao:
honestly do not know. Again, that is why I am trying to put out feelers, looking for ways to inspire more activity amongst our membership.

All I know is I used to frequent a motorcycle forum ( max-zuki) till it evaporated into the Ethernet a couple of weeks ago, I would hate to lose this forum.

I really don't have much input to add to these builds and I really, really hate to type.

A forum for car shows recently attended and or cruise with pictures might stir up some interest.

Just random wondering.

I am attempting to find ways to make the forums more engaging to potential new members (in an attempt to increase the visitor to member conversion rate), as well as to current members who rarely post.

The site, with the exception of the Admin Control Panel, is already fully responsive. We've been catering to hand-held users for years, because we had Tapatalk installed, prior to XenForo going responsive.

When I first launched the site, some 8+ years ago, my stated goal was to attract 200 members to this site. I personally hoped we might get as many as 250, but I was prepared to settle for just 200 members. So the group is actually not as limited as I originally thought.

Exactly the problem, Which makes no sense, because I am willing to bet the farm if we could get some of these guys in a shop with a cooler full of cold beer, we wouldn't be able to get any of them to shut up. Yet here, none of them have anything to say about anything.

Because we don't want to be dealing with lost teeth, broken bones, and leaking blood, we avoid a handful of conversation topics that never fail to get people involved. Let's face it, if we opened things up and started pissing contests on topics like President Obongo, Presidential-hopefuls Mike Huckabigot and Hill-Dog Clinton, or the real reasons everyone is so frightened of Islam, we would have explosive threads. But in the very beginning, we decided we wanted discussions that brought light to the forums, rather than heat. So we don't talk about politics, we don't talk about religion, and we don't talk about weapons.

Which often leads us to talking about not a doggone thing. Yesterday, a total of 98 members actually logged into their forum accounts. Yesterday, we picked up a total of 21 new posts. 20% activity? WTF?!? Three of the new posts were in this single thread, so had I not mentioned this possible Showcase add-on, we would have had just 18 posts.

Where I got dazed and confused is when I see people posting about the chicken wings they just ate, the cheap gasoline they just bought, or the new paint on their kitchen walls, over on Facebook. Yet here, we have a forum that (I thought) caters to their favorite hobby and they have naught to say. How is that a share-all, tell-all community, when this is not? :confused: Seriously, I don't understand any of it.

People don't have anything to sell, or trade? I've no idea.

I honestly do not know. Again, that is why I am trying to put out feelers, looking for ways to inspire more activity amongst our membership.

I was ready to set up forums where we could discuss flashlights, sailboats, and home nursing, but @RPM punched me in the nose, when I mentioned it. :roflmao:
I like the site and probably bore everyone with my bs, but I like this kind of stuff and post stuff to generate some action. I find it very entertaining and it has a lot of good info, nice folks, some very well informed guys offering up valuable knowledge. It's hard to get together with a group of like minded or at least like interested guys in many other venues. I also enjoy being able to offer any wisdom, knowledge, or experience, whatever to guys that can benefit from it, it just feels good to share stuff that is otherwise just wasting away in what's left of my brain cells. The main thing I enjoy and notice others do as well is pictures of and descriptions of the build process, etc. so from that perspective, anything that highlights or increases those type threads is likey to increase interest, or activity. The other option is to pass out beer! Lol.
A. I really hate to type
B. When I do type , my thoughts come out "random" no particular order
C. When I'm trying to describe a procedure or assembly , it's difficult to convey w/out my hands & pictures , which leads to..
D. My computer skills suck at best , since we switched to win. 8.1 , neither my wife or I can figure out to load pctures off the camera , let alone post them !
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B. When I do type , my thoughts come out "random" no particular order
Meh, don't let that be an obstacle. I suffer from Attention Deficit Disorder, so I really have to restrict my attention to a post I am writing, else I will end up... Look! A SQUIRREL!!! If I had a dollar for every time I get distracted, I really wish I had a cup of coffee.

All kidding aside, I have learned there are only two types of people in this world. Those with Attention Deficit Disorder, and I really like a good bowl of potato soup.
D. My computer skills suck at best , since we switched to win. 8.1 , neither my wife or I can figure out to load pctures off the camera , let alone post them !
The thing to remember is that everyone was born with the same degree of computer skills. None of us knew a darn thing about them, when we got the first one. And hey, look at me, I've been playing with the things for 33+ years, and I still don't know anything.

Post about the photo problem in the Computer Issues forum and we'll see if we can get you sorted out. I know zip about Win 8 (and here I am, considering a computer repair business), but it shouldn't be too difficult to figure this one out.

Now I could get into talking about .weapons
<hauls off and gives RPM a stern look> :laugh:
IMHO I am happy with the current format as opposed to how some other sites are layer out. As far as traffic goes I really don't have any ideas. I have never been lacking or left wanting when I come here. Maybe a section for other rods such as Model A and 32-34 roadsters would bring some interest with it? Another section for our members to talk about our race cars past and present. That's about all I have.
Because we don't want to be dealing with lost teeth, broken bones, and leaking blood, we avoid a handful of conversation topics that never fail to get people involved. Let's face it, if we opened things up and started pissing contests on topics like President Obongo, Presidential-hopefuls Mike Huckabigot and Hill-Dog Clinton, or the real reasons everyone is so frightened of Islam, we would have explosive threads. But in the very beginning, we decided we wanted discussions that brought light to the forums, rather than heat. So we don't talk about politics, we don't talk about religion, and we don't talk about weapons.

Meh, don't let that be an obstacle. I suffer from Attention Deficit Disorder, so I really have to restrict my attention to a post I am writing, else I will end up... Look! A SQUIRREL!!! If I had a dollar for every time I get distracted, I really wish I had a cup of coffee.

Now I could get into talking about .weapons

<hauls off and gives RPM a stern look> :laugh:

If this wasn't a T-Bucket forum. I'd guess it was an insane asylum!!

First quote- Anarchy would be my guess?
Second quote- should be called obsessive control freak and will kick your as off the Forums.
Third quote- My kinda guy-how many do you have?
Fourth quote- Do you know how big Ron is? No fisticuffs allowed!!
If this don't generate a laugh :D:laugh::whistling::) Nothing will!!!
If this wasn't a T-Bucket forum. I'd guess it was an insane asylum!!

First quote- Anarchy would be my guess?
Second quote- should be called obsessive control freak and will kick your as off the Forums.
Third quote- My kinda guy-how many do you have?
Fourth quote- Do you know how big Ron is? No fisticuffs allowed!!
If this don't generate a laugh :D:laugh::whistling::) Nothing will!!!
Third quote, my wife says too many. I answer no such thing. Like horsepower, never have enough.
Exactly the problem, Which makes no sense, because I am willing to bet the farm if we could get some of these guys in a shop with a cooler full of cold beer, we wouldn't be able to get any of them to shut up. Yet here, none of them have anything to say about anything.

I don't normally participate in very many of the conversations, which I guess is part of the problem.:confused: I can also tell you that it's just me and has nothing at all to do with the forum or how it is constructed.
If we were all standing in a shop with a cooler full of cold beer, I would still be the guy that is very quiet and just stand back, listen and learn. I would however drink most of the cold beer.:whistling:
I like the site as is! I like the lion share of it's members! I find the site a great resource!:)
I will likely always be more of a lurker than a participant.
I just participated.:thumbsup:
I don't normally participate in very many of the conversations, which I guess is part of the problem.:confused: I can also tell you that it's just me and has nothing at all to do with the forum or how it is constructed.
If we were all standing in a shop with a cooler full of cold beer, I would still be the guy that is very quiet and just stand back, listen and learn. I would however drink most of the cold beer.:whistling:
I like the site as is! I like the lion share of it's members! I find the site a great resource!:)
I will likely always be more of a lurker than a participant.
I just participated.:thumbsup:

Well Bennet, just jump in anytime you have a thought, it may be worth while to some of us. Even if it is just for a laugh!! Beware of lurkers, some are dangerous!!:D:laugh::whistling::)
Good to see you back!!
If we were all standing in a shop with a cooler full of cold beer, I would still be the guy that is very quiet and just stand back, listen and learn.
My dearly departed mother always taught her one and only son that we were granted a mouth that would close and ears that wouldn't, for a very good reason. I have to admit I join a lot of forums to learn what I can, rather than to run off at the mouth, so those admins are wondering what it will take to get me active. <shrug>
I would however drink most of the cold beer.
Sheesh, will someone shoo @Bennett away from the darn cooler. :laugh:
I just participated.
This wouldn't add to membership but it may add to discussion , If the pictures of your ride or build were in a galley with your membership. I am involved remote aircraft and on there site you can post pictures. this give insight into the member and his likes , may add questions .example--- How did you make that great but simple looking bracket? That kind of thing
I don't say much unless something either drives me crazy or makes me very interested..........

I check the forum everyday ,looking for new posts.........I have my own ideas and way of getting to the end results..I have my style of a T but love the other ideas ,styles of builds seen here. Steve

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