Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Maybe someday soon!!!!!

Looks like the "team work" paid off, great job !! Who's 32 shell did you use ???? I have one one from Dave Cory, pretty baaaaaad,think I'll try somethin else.
Is that a CCR body and windshield posts ?
Great job, looks good !..... "BH":cool:
That's sooo fine!!!! You guys must wear sunglasses when you work on it.

Quite a nice project, you are a craftsman, nice work with the milling machine:)
That is one sweet build Tbucit, keep plugging!
Tbucit said:
Thanks BH, Its a Spirit body, I bought a Spirit shell as well as a Speedway but ended up making my own along with the grille itself. I made the frame a little too narrow to use the others. The posst are Total Perf. Its been a long road but after tonight I feel like It will be done shortly and it will all be worth it.

are they going to let you put it back on the show room floor agin at Summit

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