Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Member from Alaska


Active Member
Does anyone know where to find the posts from a member in Alaska who put a door in his bucket? I've searched and come up with nothing.
Type in ''how to cut in a door'' under search.[Upper right ] Don't know if that is the post you want .Hope that helps you........
Go to '' search'' upper right corner, type in '' cutting in a door'' and read posts . This may help you.
Thanks guys: I checked them out. I'm doing the oak on the inside and cutting along the door line. Heck of a time contouring the oak to the curves of the door area.
Does anyone know where to find the posts from a member in Alaska who put a door in his bucket? I've searched and come up with nothing.
Butch27 ..... I may be the guy you're looking for! I did post a video showing what I did. Used an original T hinge, and oak reinforcement. Mini bear claw latch that I inset into the door frame.
Hi Ben--That's the post I was looking for. I have the wood installed but no cutting yet. Any pics that could help. Thanks
Hi Ben--That's the post I was looking for. I have the wood installed but no cutting yet. Any pics that could help. Thanks
Hey Butch27, I'll take a few minutes to look at what pics I can find. If you would like, we can talk and discuss the issues I had and what I would do the next time. My number is 907-982-4186. I'm in Alaska, 4 hours earlier than you.

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