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Mini Nat's in Albert Lea


VIP Member
With the mini Nat's in Albert Lea only two weeks away I was wonderin' who I'm going to see there?

I've contacted 3 of the owners of my T's. One will be there, the other 2 are a maybe. Anyone else?

I really really wish I could but gas being what it is I need to decide between family vacation or be selfish and go to the mini nats. Family first for me. I think the farthest Ill possibly venture this year is to the msra super secret fun run in brainerd or the bad boys show. Kinda sucks being geographically challenged. At least there is enough stuff up north to keep someone interested.. Paul
I'll be there for at least part of it and Big Dog from ND is coming down as well. I think we will get there late fri morning or early afternoon.
Chuck T
Only 2 days 'til the weekend. Looks like I'm only going to be there Sunday. Who do I look for?

I got OT on a 2 week straight schedule. I'm missing anything that happens this month.

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