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Miss Behavin' wreck by a cop car.


Well-Known Member
Yup. I Just got home from the hospital. All I got was bruises and cuts, so the doc says I'll be sore as hell tomorrow and maybe a few days after that. Needless to say, I'm F'in PISSED! Oh, I hit a cop car, BUT it was the cops fault.

I was traveling north bound on a two way street and approaching a 4 way intersection. The light was green both ways, but in this intersection,there is a left turn green as well, but you have to yield to oncoming traffic. As I approached the intersection, 2 cars turned in front of me, they had plenty of time to make it. But just as got about 10 or 15 feet to the intersection, a damn cop car turns in front of me and I hit him. Needless to say, I came to a complete halt. Me having a grip on the steering wheel and my right hand some how coming up, kept me from flying out over or through the windshield.

Now, here's the messed up part. Yea, it gets ugly. The cop gets out of his car, runs over to me (I'm still sitting in my T Bucket dazed) and yells, "YOU RAN A RED LIGHT!". He NEVER asked how I was or if I needed help. All he wanted to do was get out of it. We went back and forth until more units showed up. About 9 in all. I guess when he called it in, every cop in the area responded. As they showed up, each one went to their buddie to see how he was first. He's sitting in the damn cop car with the A/C blowing and I'm pinned in my car, sitting in the sun. Thanks for the concern, fellas. In fact, after sitting around waiting for the cops to do all their investigating, he NEVER came over to say he was sorry or see how I was.

So, turns out, there was a witness and I know he told them what happened, in my favor. I didn't get a ticket, but I got a form that I have to turn in to get reimbursed by the City of Houston, when a city vehicle messes up your property. It has a case number and all pertinent info.I called my insurance and an agent will be calling me Monday. Tomorrow, I'll go to the storage lot and get pics.

Guys, I'm sick to my stomach. Basicly, the whole engine and tranny moved forward about 4". the motor mounts stayed attached to the frame and engine and just bent forwrd. The tranny ripped from the mount and thus pulled the driveshaft out of the rearend, I guess. Won't know until tomorrow.

There's something really messed up, looking at your dream, smashed to hell and knowing it wasn't your fault. All I can do is hope this turns out well.

So, I'm still going to Galveston, Miss behavin' won't.:)
Oh Damn Fred: After all that work you MUST feel bad.So sorry for you and the car. Cops around here are the worst drivers around here. I'd like to get some of these "expert" drivers out on the race track with me sometime!!
Man that just ain't right. After the hassle you had a week or so ago when you thought you were going to have to sell her you deserve better.
der Spieler said:
Man that just ain't right. After the hassle you had a week or so ago when you thought you were going to have to sell her you deserve better.

Yup, I'm on a bad run of luck. It's got to get better, though. It can't get worse or do I dare even consider that?
I had a couple of run ins with Houston and Pasadena cops in the early 70s. Fortunately at the time my ex's cousin was on the Houston force so he helped things get smoothed over for me. He worked nights on Division Street(?). It was on the southwest edge of downtown under and just east of the I-45 flyover. Later on he joined the bomb squad. Thought it was safer.
Really sorry to hear about what happened Fred. First and for most, we are all glad you are not hurt any worse (it always can be worse). Sounds like Miss Behavin' is hurting too. I am so fed up with bad drivers I do not even know where to start, so I will not get into it. Hope everythign goes well for you so you can put this behind you ASAP. Please let us know what we can do to help.
Thanks guys. I really can't do much until the appropriate people get involved. I almost dread going to take pics tomorrow. Sickening is putting it mildly.

The anger of it all didn't hit till I got home, but like you all have said, it could have been a LOT worse.

Oh, on a side note, the bolt on motor and tranny mounts that Total Performance uses got put through a crash test today. They held great. Didn't move a bit.
DANG Fred I am so sorry to hear that happened, BUT am really glad you are alive. I hope it all works out for you.

Do you get a rental T Bucket while your T is professionally fixed? Spirit comes to mind.
You know Fred... I'm just glad you were able to walk away from it... T-Buckets and normal cars involved in a wreck is just a bad match. From most of the t-bucket wrecks I've seen pictures of... it's downright scary. I'm just so glad to hear you're OK...

It's just wrong that because one of there own was involved in the accident you were treated so poorly...

Clearly a major bummer to hear Miss Behavin' is messed up... You'll get her back on the road to enjoy another day... now be sure to take some aspirin... you're going to be really sore for a few days... :confused:
that sucks id be making a formal complant to the copers this has to be delt with did he get a ticket bet he didnt Id be asking why good luck with the girl hope you can rebuild her
My heart goes out to you Fred. There's nothing I can say to make it better but If there is anything I can help you with down the road, please don't hesitate to ask. Keep use posted. Good luck buddy.

Sorry about the damage of your pride and joy, good that your alive to fix 'er up again. Go get a personal injury attorney Monday mornin so you dont get screwed on this. Let him deal with the city, you will come out better in the long run, much better.
Sorry to hear about your bad luck Fred, but you are alive and will survive this set back. The advice to see a lawer is a good one - just to protect your rights.
That sucks. Small consolation, You built a tough bucket and she took care of you.
Glad your O.K. overall considering the "sudden impact" and abrupt stop you endured. That sucks that 9 f**k-wads show up to help "their own" but haven't got the decency to help the person that's obviously in need of attention.
Typical cops "To Serve(falsified reports to save their own asses) & To Protect (their own). Sense some hostillity here,,I just don't like the ones with the "hollier than thou" attitudes!
One dirty little secret about police is that they have a much worse than average driving record, both on and off the job.
Oh man Fred, I'm really sorry to read this. Hope you are ok, these little buckets are no match for the other bigger cars out there. You are lucky to be alive.

I sure hope that witness holds up for you, cops tend to stick together, and from being friends with a few of them I know the dirty stuff they can pull and get away with simply because "the police are always right." If you find it is turning ugly, get a good attorney who can get the witnesses names and put some heat on the city.

I can only imagine how you feel about your car, you did a great job on her and love that T. But the one that rises out of the ashes will be even better. Good luck and keep us posted bud.

Fred, this really sucks but glad you're OK... OK being a relative term, right?

Number one - Make sure that witness is available to tell the truth.

Number two - and I hate to say it, but, you need an attorney. The city's going to try to get out of this as quick as possible. You need to be made WHOLE again.

Number three - if you beleive in Diety, thank your particular Diety that it wasn't worse. I believe I can say this for everyone here that if the news were worse we'd all be freaking out right now... and I've never met you face to face, funny how that works.

Number four and this is the best advice I've ever been given - Getting mad ain't gonna change a damn thing. It's in the past now and we can't go back and undo it. Now we just have to figure out how to move forward and get you AND MISS BEHAVIN well again.

Please le me know if there's anything I can do to help.

You didn't rush Miss Behavin to T bucket hospital and make sure she still had good oil pressure and spark. Because T's are living things to some of Us. Glad you are Ok. Get her back together and on the road. Make sure you at least get a convertible rental car.

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