Gerry, just a little "play on words" you might say. The reason the space is blank is at present I don't have one. Sad to say, here in L.A. there aren't a lot of deals to be had as far as rollers or partially finished cars. I keep looking. I belong to the CSOB Club, limited funds and all. Also, as much as I would like to build from scratch, California DMV laws are so restrictive that i really don't know where to begin. Better to have a roller (complete, less engine and trans) that has been previously registered in Cali as a 23 T than try to figure out the registration thing. At least thats my take on things right now, that could change.
Again, car looks good, radiator, well how hot can a car driven on an island in the Atlantic get?
Cheers, John
Here's mine "at speed" on the Tail of the Dragon, US129 in Tenn.
Sure wish it would quit raining so I could go for a spin! We're in a mini monsoon season right now.
Heres mine just setting still[attachment=3570Heres mine
Work in progress ... currently in garage all torn apart for paint and minor fixes.
I had to double check my receipts and notes, cause I wasn't for sure, but I bought those wires 8 years ago. So when I say I'm not on any schedule, I meant it, LOL. They came with the tires, calipers and rotors, but no spindles. Don't recall if it had the caliper brackets with them or not. But I can tell you, they were most definitely NOT a "somewhat reasonable price". Their minty condition was well reflected in $$$$. Had the front wheels before I even had the body.