Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Morning Humor

Al you should go check your tire pressure or something!!! Your spending way to much time on YOU TUBE:razz:
san-i-T said:
Al you should go check your tire pressure or something!!! Your spending way to much time on YOU TUBE:razz:

Yes, it would appear that way, however it's my "retired" friends who barrage my inbox with dozens of email a day will all kinds of stuff, most not presentable in a PG environment, but every once in a while, there is a gem that I choose to share... But you're right... I do need to check my tire pressure! :eek:
Thanks for making me smile:D I really did enjoy the Morning Humor !!!!
Thank you, there's nothing like a good laugh to begin the day.
:clap: That was good. Thanks for sharing.
AL,:mad:, I took a drink of my Pepsi as that thing started, now I've got it running out of my nose all over the monitor, desk and keyboard! Thanks Buddy!!!!

Hey AL what are Breast friends errrrr Best Friends for ,,my retired friends do the same thing,,Some of the stuff I get you would think those Old Coggers would have a hart attack,,,:funmeter2:
Youngster said:
AL,:mad:, I took a drink of my Pepsi as that thing started, now I've got it running out of my nose all over the monitor, desk and keyboard! Thanks Buddy!!!!


I just dodged a close one there, just drank my tea before it came on. :eek:

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