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Movie time!


Well-Known Member
Grab your best girl. Pop some corn. Get your beverage of choice. Now...... turn out the lights and watch out for........


made in 1961

There is trouble afoot as a mystery gang terrorizes the highway and streets of a small town. Cars are being stolen and striped and there are no suspects. I hope it's not some hodlum hot rodders!:eek:

Keep an eyeout for Tommy Ivos T Bucket.

Yea, it's the whole movie.
oh man, i don't have high speed:-(

on a similar subject i just recently saw the worlds fastest indian(good movie, but the documentary on the dvd was better) and a friend of mine is letting me borrow the 1979 release of "hot rod". I havn't gotten time to check it out yet.
"Hot Rod"? It sounds good. Is there a site to order it?
He said he got it at the nationals from a vendor, Your best bet would be to try to do a search on it... hey its on amazon in a later re-release...

but amazon thinks its worth $60

I'de also recomend getting the original gone in 60 seconds series(i think theres 3 in it if i remember), 2 lane blacktop(name another movie where a guy askes for a quadrajet rebuild kit at a shop), and call me hokey, but i've got a thing for "the death race 2000" it has stalone in his early years filling in as a secondary character, which is kindof funny seeing where his career has taken him.
OUCH! Amazon is too proud of it for me! I'll check a swap meet or something. I've got "2 Lane Blacktop", "Vanishing Point" and "Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry". I like a good car flick.

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