Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

My Bloods a pumping


Took the wife to Old Sacramento today for a little last minute Christmas shopping. While walking down the street I hear a rumbling sound coming down the road, expecting a bunch of Harley riders for a toy run, I turn around to look and to my surprise a white 23 "T" with a blower comes cursing down the road :razz:. I looked for the next hour trying to find where he parked. Just my luck, caught a glimpse of him as he was leaving the area. Just that little cruise has got me going, I got home and went out to the garage and started working on the brake of my T. Looking forward to my first cruise!!
its funny where those little 'kicks in the pants' come from
My kick in the pants came from looking at Ma & Pa's T!
sometimes i wish i would keep my big mouth shut. i gotta get other peoples stuff out of the way before i can get back to mine. oh well, gives me time to do some mental engineering.

Youngster said:
sometimes i wish i would keep my big mouth shut. i gotta get other peoples stuff out of the way before i can get back to mine. oh well, gives me time to do some mental engineering.


The hour for hour deal isn't working in your favor?
Dang Clamper...

reading what ya posted really got me going... I was needing some t-bucket time... time to fire up the T-bucket and go for a spin I exclaimed... Then I looked outside... :sad:

Yesterday was perfect, sunny and about 55 degrees, today I've been in the garage with the heater on as its raining and about 45 degrees. Your picture looks nice but makes me think it will be a long winter:mad:. Looking forward to spring, after today the days start getting longer:D.
<a href="Image of von franco t - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting" target="_blank">
We went to Sacramento Old Ford when we come over to go to Bonneville this Aug, the place was FAB we see Von Franco kookys T and other fab stuff and spent all my Tshirt allowance that the boss gave me .When we come out there was a model A tudor sadan on dues rails in the car park we took some pics of it and the guy that owned it come out of the shop and said hi got in and drove of as one off as my mates shot some vid of him going off down the road . After 2 or 3 minits the guy come back and said to us are you guys English and we said yes . Then he said would you like a ride in the A and we said yes . So he took us all 3 for a ride one at a time arownd the block.That has to be a Great memory of the holliday and how meny pepoel would take perfect strangers for a ride in there rod . Magic.
clamper said:
Yesterday was perfect, sunny and about 55 degrees, today I've been in the garage with the heater on as its raining and about 45 degrees. Your picture looks nice but makes me think it will be a long winter:mad:. Looking forward to spring, after today the days start getting longer:D.
What are you wasting heat for at 45 degrees that is perfect shop weather up north.
Once you are out of the freezing north for awhile, your blood thins! A full day in 45 degree weather is like northerners working in the teens:cool:.
it's hard to do the hour for hour thing when folks are waiting. maybe i need a sign to remind me of that huh todd??

Hey Ron, Here's your sign.:rofl: I always wanted to use that.

Youngster's Shop Rules

For every hour spent on your
project, one hour is
spent on mine

thanks todd.............................

You guys should do like the birds and fly south for the winter. The end of last week, 78 degrees and beautiful sunshine. Spent one entire day out on the lake chasing the crappie around the lake.....I know....sorry for being a buz kill.........soon to be called other things....:cool:

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