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My Fifty Year Old Battery Charger Died


Active Member
I needed to charge the battery in the wife's car and found my battery charger (10 amp Schauer) was dead. On line says it has a circuit breaker, but after opening the metal case, I could not find it!

Anybody have a recommendation for a new one? I have a Battery Tender Plus, which is a good maintainer, but takes forever to charge a battery.
Mark I can almost guarantee the next one won't last 50 years no mater where it comes from.....Yes I would like for more things being made in the USA even though I will pay more...
My old one stopped and it turned out to be a broken wire. If you have a multi meter, check it inside where the charge leads attach.
I am on my third battery charger in the last 45 years. All have been the same brand and all have worked great. The first one got run over by someone I loaned it to, the second one lasted 30 years and this is the one I have now.
Does everything I need. Different type batteries, 100A boost, trickle. Not made in the USA, but in Mexico.
I had some broken wires once also, it was in the alligator clips. Just had to cut the wires
an inch shorter and then re-solder the connections.
G'Day All,
If you need to charge batteries to stay topped up I have found the easiest way to do it is with a Solar panel. I bought a 40W Solar panel and a 7A controller. The panel is on the Garage roof and the controller on the inside wall. Keeps batteries topped up with no effort.

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