Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

New Forum layout


don't know what it is with the new forum layout but it totally screws up my machine here at work. Locks it up big time when I click on a subject and read a post. Have to reboot the machine, so I'm not reading posts here at work.
don't know what it is with the new forum layout but it totally screws up my machine here at work. Locks it up big time when I click on a subject and read a post. Have to reboot the machine, so I'm not reading posts here at work.

When is the last time you have done updates on your computer, web browser, etc?! That could have a negative impact...
don't know what it is with the new forum layout but it totally screws up my machine here at work. Locks it up big time when I click on a subject and read a post. Have to reboot the machine, so I'm not reading posts here at work.

Sounds like a file conflict. Probably need to update your browser or try a different one.
didn't have a problem until the format changed. And no problem on other sites.
My computer at work does the same thing,locks up when i click on a post but i can close out the forum and don't have to reboot the computer.
I thought it might be all the security through work. All other sites works ok.
Works great at home.
Why are the size of some posts so large?......there may be only a couple of sentances but tons of dead space underneath.
Why do I feel as if I have answered all these questions already? :face:

1. Have you tried clearing your browser's cache history?
2. Are you running the latest release of your particular browser?
3. Have you checked the Support Forum for possible alternatives/solutions?

The old forum used an old method of displaying data and this forum uses a modern method. If you are using an out-dated browser, you may be having trouble with seeing things displayed as they should be.

Are you using Internet Explorer? If you are, check the version you are running. If it is IE6 or IE7, the fix is as simple as updating to the latest version, IE8. It's free to download, it requires a couple of mouse clicks to install and you will be amazed at how much better the entire InterWeb will work for you.

An AM radio will not receive FM stereo, a B&W television will not display color and an analog television will not display a digital signal. Nor will older browsers properly display CSS stylesheets. New radios and televisions come with price tags attached, whereas updated browsers are absolutely free.

Jesse, you have some issues on your network and/or computer at your workplace. If the forum was 'broken', it would be 'broken' for everyone, on every operating system, on every browser and on every pipeline.

All-world1, if you are running the latest version of your browser of choice and are still seeing white space, take a screenshot of the page, copy the URL of the page and e-mail both to - tech at (replacing the word 'at' and the spaces with @, of course) I cannot address problems I cannot locate and duplicate.

For those experiencing display issues, I will say again - five different computers, running five different operating systems, with either seven or eight different browsers on two different ISPs and I have zero problems. I've lost count of the people who have mentioned in the <cough, cough> Support Forum they have upgraded their browser and have solved all their problems.
I had all those same problems you guys are talking about and Putz told me to download mozilla firefox. That solved all the problems and the forum becomes fast to navigate and friendly to use. The dead white space will be cleared right away.

It's quick and free

KBR is kinda picky about what you do to their workstations and what you can get. ALL videos are blocked, youtube, etc..., no radio or tv streams, and other gun related sites. Cannot use other browsers such as firefox. Can not try backdoor routes, nothing. If they don't want you doing it, you don't. I will try and upgrade IE but if not then it will be home computer only.
Mike, I upgraded to IE8 and it fixed everything. Sorry for the hassle and many thanks for your appreciated efforts.


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