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New is not always better


Active Member
I know I am probably going to piss the techs off but I do not like the new forum software as well as the last. True the colors or more vivid but that is about it. The new software is not as easy to navigate and seems slower.

I have used Quicken software for almost 20 years and there newer version is always new and improved. For me the 1st version was the best.

Just my opinion and I know it will not change a thing.
Well, I'm sorry to say we cannot roll it back to an earlier version. But maybe I can help you more easily interface with what we have.

As far as speeds, that's an erroneous perception. One of the things I tested on the first, live site I upgraded to this version was how it worked with our server resources. And this software is actually a bit faster. Fortunately, it also presents less load on the server. Now I am not talking night and day differences, but page load times and server load numbers are both down.

One thing that can start creating a bottleneck is your browser getting bound up on its own caching. When was the last time you cleared your browser's cache? Whichever browser you are running, be sure you are running the latest version, as that can make a difference. If you're running Firefox, take a look at this tutorial.

As far as navigation, there are some elements that have been moved. But in nearly every instance, I've found the new locations make things easier to find and easier to use. And there are even some new functions added, to make navigation easier than before. What navigation elements are you finding more difficult? I'm really not interested in re-inventing the wheel, but if there are some chunks of code that can be moved to make elements more convenient for everyone, let's look them over and see what we can do.
Mike, the only problem I'm having is when I go to [view new topics] it does not carry me back to the last post read. I have to do it manualy by clicking on the [last post read]. If you can help, thanks. Bruce
This is just a comment NOT a complaint.

Probably just me, but with the new version, it takes me three clicks to get to the first unread message in a thread. I click the " View New Content" and when I select a thread, I have to click on the "Go to first unread message".

Am I missing a setting somewhere?

What I did was clean out my browser cache and it helped with the speed. I am with the guys above on viewing new content. The prior version click on new content and click on a post (ex. slightly off topic) and I would get the lastes pic. With this version it involves multiple steps. May not be anything you can do Mike.
Actually if you go to the new content section and save that as your bookmark then all you do is click the bookmark (or favorites) for and it will take you right to the new content. One click is all it takes. I actually use it all the time even after reading a thread because it takes you right back to new content. I find it quicker then the back button.

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