I just finished up installing 68 new smilies.
When you are posting a new thread or a reply, you will notice the smilie menu on the right of the text entry window. If you click on the word [More], a new window will open up to display all the smilies that are available for you to use.
I have also modified the look of the user menu, at the top of each page. This new menu allows the use of some drop-down selections that provide more robust functionality than the old menu offered. While it was easy to get the new menu in, removing the old one proved to be a trial for me.

But, I managed to fix everything I "broke", so we should be good to go from here.
I just finished up installing 68 new smilies.
When you are posting a new thread or a reply, you will notice the smilie menu on the right of the text entry window. If you click on the word [More], a new window will open up to display all the smilies that are available for you to use.
I have also modified the look of the user menu, at the top of each page. This new menu allows the use of some drop-down selections that provide more robust functionality than the old menu offered. While it was easy to get the new menu in, removing the old one proved to be a trial for me.

But, I managed to fix everything I "broke", so we should be good to go from here.