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New T-Bucket build


Hi everyone I am new to the forum and building my first T-Bucket using Youngster plans. I have frame rails welded and ready to cut cross members. I am picking up my body this weekend from Paynesville, MN along with grill shell. I had an S-10 drag truck project that I traded for a while back with a Chevy 350 and TH350 trans I will be using rear from S-10 as well. I also have wheels and tires along with a cable B&M shifter. I read a few threads concerning the width of the Youngster plans as being very tight. RPM posted that all his frames are 26.5" wide. I do not want any clearance issue with starter or anything else. Since I must construct the frame in order to mock up the engine and body placement I am inclined to simply go 26.5 inches wide and call it a day, providing the body looks right at that width. What do you think changing the width will do to the rest of plans design? As for as radius rod lengths and so forth? I kind of put the cart before the horse and in hindsight I would have ordered a frame from RPM but already had access to free steel to build the frame rails and choose to do that.
When you get your body... measure the width of the fire wall and deduct ~ 1/2" (for fiberglass thickness) so if you channel the body, the frame will be able to fit inside.
So I guess where I am at is, I am following a set of Youngster plans and once I deviate from those plans I ask myself what else I am I changing? If I widen the frame does it change anything else in the plans? That is what I am scared of finding out down the road. Thanks for the replies!
Depends on what you change. If you change something for a reason just be prepared to deal with whatever happens or don't change it! That is what is so appealing with this hobby. You really start with a clean sheet of paper and create a dream....or a nightmare as it may be! The challenge is overcoming the problems you create.
well back from MN with the body and without seeing other companies bodies I am happy with it. doesn't seem twisted or flimsy. They even delivered body to the hotel for me after hours! Also bought the grill shell from them as well even after reading Jimbo's post about it being a pain to find a radiator to fit. The thought was it may match the body coming from the same company and adding some extra height to fit common radiators didn't seem too big of a deal. Hoping to nail down the width and weld in cross members today and do a generic mock up of everything. I am taking plenty of pictures and will post them as soon as I can. Also realized I probably should start a build thread in Project Plans and Updates section of the forum to keep up with the progress. I will use this original post from here on out for frame questions. EXCITED
Agree with Old round fart. You can only follow other plans so far. One deviation will change nearly everything. Not every Tbucket is alike. That can be good, however is a challenge. Try to think as far ahead as you can. Unfortunately your amazing custom mounts and great ideas will most likely take several attempts to get right as they will change often. Stay Positive, expect 1 hour of work to take 5 and youll be fine. Have fun in the meantime!! :laugh:

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