New Member
Hello, my name is Troy and my sons name also. We are new to this T bucket thing. But we want to build ourselves a T bucket. All we have is an engine to use. We have a complete, very complete 1966 428 super marauder out of a 66 mercury mont claire.
The egine is in very good shape but we will have all the rebuilding done so we are working with a new engine. Anybody put a ford FE engine in a T bucket before? We would apreciate any advice on the subject greatly. Transmission advice? Rear end, frnt end Advice? Radiator advice? All of that. I'm sure you all get the picture. Thanx Much in advance. Troy.
The egine is in very good shape but we will have all the rebuilding done so we are working with a new engine. Anybody put a ford FE engine in a T bucket before? We would apreciate any advice on the subject greatly. Transmission advice? Rear end, frnt end Advice? Radiator advice? All of that. I'm sure you all get the picture. Thanx Much in advance. Troy.