Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

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Good Day

Name is Paul and I am currently in New Brunswick Canada.

Been a fan of the T-Bucket since my first Red Baron kit as a kid. lol

Recently I was medically released from the Canadian Armed Forces and have decided Its time to start researching my personal T-Bucket (maybe C cab?) build for my retirement.

SO FAR I am looking at a Spirit cars kit. Seem to be the most complete for my tastes.
Glad to be a member and look forward to chatting with everyone.
Welcome from St Louis, Paul. What are your thoughts on a power train?
Thanks for the welcome. I am looking at a Chev 350 with a Th400 Trans. also looking at rear tires a bit smaller than the "usual" steamrollers. Maybe 15x10 ish

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