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New Toys?


VIP Member
I hope everyone had a great Christmas! Was Santa good to you and get you any new toys for the T-Bucket?
No Tbucket stuff here but santa brought allison (and family) a nintendo Wii, this thing is coooooooolllllll. Its amazing how far weve came along. Allie is complaining shes sore today! lolololol Happy holidays all!!! Paul
No new toys here! But Yogi I did get down your way [Sanford] during Thanksgiving. What a difference in the weather between here and there!!!!!!!!!
Hey San-i-T!
Yep you were just about an hour south from here, great area down there. We have some good weather here in Dec. it's about 55 today, supposed to get up to about 70 by Sunday. January tends to be a little rougher, nothing like you all have I am sure.
I got to meet my new 6 week old grandson but I'm going to have to wait awhile before he can ride in the old bucket. Ed is grandson #4 and they're all under the age of 4.


Telman2 said:
I got to meet my new 6 week old grandson but I'm going to have to wait awhile before he can ride in the old bucket. Ed is grandson #4 and they're all under the age of 4.


What do you think he's saying, "You want a piece of me, Grandpa?" or "When do I get my T?" or "Let me show you how to fix it."
der Spieler said:
What do you think he's saying, "You want a piece of me, Grandpa?" or "When do I get my T?" or "Let me show you how to fix it."

I think its "Oooooo, is that chrome?"
der Spieler said:
What do you think he's saying, "You want a piece of me, Grandpa?" or "When do I get my T?" or "Let me show you how to fix it."

I can only hope, I'm just waiting for one of my 4 grandsons to show an interest in building/fixing old hot rods because that kid is going to be spoiled rotten. All my kids are interested in doing is driving them around until they need gas then they bring them back..............on empty.

Congratulations on grandson #4. We also have 4 and they're terrific fun. Luckily, two of the four - ages 4 and 6 - are absolute car nuts and go wild at the shows, enjoy riding in my cars and cruisng the creeper under the cars. I once had all 4 tires/wheels off one of the cars and was holding the 4 year old. When he saw the tires/wheels he asked why they were off, I explained and he started trying to wiggle out of my arms saying "I fix tars!". They were as bg as him.

BTW, Santa brought a new set of Autometer gauges to replace the bad ones that were in the Track-T when it arrived.
Congrats there Telman, I have just one Grandson (1y/o) and a Granddaughter soon to be 4 but they are 300 miles from here. Lucky man with 4 least 1 of 4 has to be a Hot Rodder!
Hmmm, Santa gave permission for me to buy my fuel sender, filler cap, sideview mirror and a few other parts. Lots of time spent on the car in the last month too.
That is one good lookin grand son. I have 3 daughters and 3 grand kids all gals. Even all my dogs are girls. not a bucket head in the bunch, just knot heads.
In early December, the bucket motor got a backfire on the dyno. Then I had needs for new prezzzys for Christmas.

So I ordered another blower piston from Summit (remember Im 6000 miles southeast of California) and went looking thru the spares pile to see what heads I could use as they took a hit too when the engine went bang.

The 4 day delivery from Summit took 19 days - Christmas apparently makes couriers work slower - and in the meantime I located a 540 cube block with good rods and blower pistons about 40 miles away from home. I already had a 4 1/4 crank so I guess the bucket got upsized for Christmas. Thats defiance in the face of increasing fuel prices - and that global warming stuff I dont believe in.

Will redo the old 468 and put in some forged pistons & sell it at the end of summer if anyone has any money by then.

I dont think things are as tough down here as the reports we get on things up in the USofA.

Anyway, its about 80 degrees here today & Im just back from a rod run last night. Had to travel in my wifes Fiat Topolino as the bucket is out of action.

Wishing you all a great 2009.

Hot Rod Todd
I picked up my Xmas present to myself--my new custom-built aluminum radiator. This thing is awesome! with (2) 1" cores, custom shroud, and spal fan, I will have no issues cooling my '27 with this. Here are a few pics:
HO,HO,HO. Very nice present.a perfect fit for the Ford.I'm a Ford guy to.

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