Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Newbie here from NC


Hello, I'm new here and I'm new to the T's. My family and I are currently building a Touring T. I am helping a friend who in turn is helping me with mine. I just finished making all our brackets for both T's and was asked by another friend if he could get us to help him build one. So now we are working on 3 T's. My kids don't know the Touring T is for us. They are thinking we are helping build one for Tom, a good friend of mine. After it is all done I will let them know that they helped build OUR T. Anyway I live in Franklinton NC and am looking forward to having fun with this build.

Wayne D.
Welcome to the forum HAceT, I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of your progress.
Welcome to our band of T-bucket brothers Wayne. You'll find this site very informative.

Glad you found us. We are a visual group, you got any pictures to share? It's kind of an unwritten rule around here.
welcome to the site Wayne. I'll keep this short 'cause you got some catchin' up to do. Check the info cloud at the bottom of the home page, lots of good stuff there. Enjoy!!!

In case you didn't see it, we have t-shirts for sale to help support the site.

Welcome to the site. Nice T in your club.
Welcome from Durham, NC.....howdy neighbor!
welcome aboard HaceT! I see you got logged in.
Missed chat tonite, was grocery shopping.. Paul aka butterfinger
Hey whats up Yogi. Since your a neighbor maybe we can get together some time and set up our own little meets. Check out the website attached to my name. How you doing norseman. I was not on the chat either, busy with work.

Thanks everyone for your welcoming. Seems alot more friendly here.

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