Ahhh, the trials and tribulations of posting something to the Internet. When we speak to one another in person, there are times when an unfortunate choice of words can go entirely unnoticed, because of tone, inflection and facial expression. And all of those are lost when the words are written down.
My first thought, upon seeing this thread, was to lock it down. It has all the properties required to become an explosive topic. And we don't need arguments here, this is where we come to get away from that kind of nonsense, yes?
But I am not going to lock it. What I am going to do is point out the fact that this is a matter between B.C. and Thomas. Which means they are the only people with all the facts and anything said by anyone else is conjecture and speculation. So I am going to leave this one open so B.C. and Thomas can add factual information to the topic, should that become necessary. I've "known" both individuals for more than a wee bit and consider both of them to be honorable and trustworthy men, neither of whom would care to be the cause of a free-for-all. From where I sit, I see one of two things happening - A) B.C. is going to help Thomas sort out the underlying issue and Thomas will keep his car, or B) B.C. will learn more about the problem and will upgrade things to eliminate this from being a recurring issue.
Sheesh, am I getting politically-correct in my advancing years, or what?!?
For those that are used to the non-PC Mike :winkn:, the thread stays open. If your username isn't Thomas or B.C., just move along after reading this one since you don't have a dog in this particular hunt. We're dealing with facts in this one, not opinions, so gang wary.
Wow, that was still pretty gentle. I really
am getting older... :shrug: I'll go slam my hand in a car door and see if that winds me up.